Economía Aplicada: Artículos: Economía Aplicada : [123]  Estadísticas

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Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 20 de 123
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónFecha de CreaciónTítulo
AGWAT_395_4_2_25.pdf.jpg4-feb-2025-The vulnerability of regional agriculture regarding irrigation water from the Tagus-Segura transfer
Art Rev Food Quality and Preference (26-11-24).pdf.jpg30-nov-2024-A comparative study on the preferences of Spanish consumers towards the use of natural preservatives in different fruits
Martinez_Martinez 2024_doi10.1159000541265.pdf.jpg18-oct-2024-Personality Traits and Drug Use: A Longitudinal Study Using Data from the British Cohort Study
OeconomiaCopernicana2024.pdf.jpg30-sep-2024-Integrating sustainability in the economics curriculum: challenges and impact on future decision-makers
Estimating inter-regional trade  the radiation model versus the gravity model.pdf.jpg27-jul-2024-Estimating inter-regional trade: the radiation model versus the gravity model
61 FDI impact Catalyzing digital capabilities in host nations.pdf.jpg21-jun-2024-FDI impact: catalyzing digital capabilities in host nations
New Medit 2024-06-Can-fruit-be-more.pdf.jpg20-jun-2024-Can fruit be more sustainable? A study on consumer preferences towards the use of natural preservatives in chierries.
Abellan_etal_ValueHealth_2024.pdf.jpg12-jun-2024-A feasible estimation of a “corrected” EQ-5D social tariff
MARTINEZ-GARCIA ET AL 2024.pdf.jpg4-jun-2024-Selection of incentives for a business strategy based on crop diversification
land_wickedness_technological_change_institutions_and_the_making_of_an_environmental_disaster_in_the_mining_district_of_cartagenala_union_spain_18401992.pdf.jpgjun-2024-“Land Wickedness”: Technological Change, Institutions, and the Making of an Environmental Disaster in the Mining District of Cartagena-La Unión (Spain), 1840–1992
Sanchez-Martinez_etal_IJTAHC_2024.pdf.jpg5-abr-2024-Design of a multiple criteria decision analysis framework for prioritizing high-impact health technologies in a regional health service
PEE-179_Martinez_Martinez-Carrasco_Colino.pdf.jpgmar-2024-Caracterización económica del sector productor de alimentos en España
agriculture-14-00295-v2-1.pdf.jpg11-feb-2024-Rural Areas Facing the Challenge of Economic Diversification: Threats and Opportunities.
agriculture-14-00295-v2 (4).pdf.jpg11-feb-2024-Rural depopulation in Spain: a Delphi analysis on the need for the reorientation of public policies.
Martinez_etal_EJHE_2024.pdf.jpg1-feb-2024-A Spanish value set for the SF‑6D based on the SF‑12 v1
II_RR_58_2024.pdf.jpg24-ene-2024-Efficiency in the estimation of technical coefficients and interregional multipliers: the Jahn methodology versus the GRAS and Gravity-RAS methodologies.
Foods-2024-13-00311.pdf.jpg18-ene-2024-Does consumers’ cultural background affect how they perceive and engage in food sustainability? a cross-cultural study
Abellan_etal_MDM_2024_accepted.pdf.jpgene-2024-Testing nonmonotonicity in health preferences
Semitiel-Garcia_etalNovember2024.pdf.jpg2024-Advancing governance in marine and coastal socio-ecological systems
Abellan_etal_HPE_2024.pdf.jpg2024-The intrinsic value of the information contained in medicine leaflets
Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 20 de 123