Economía Aplicada: Artículos: Economía Aplicada : [60]  Estadísticas

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Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 20 de 60
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MARTINEZ-GARCIA ET AL 2024.pdf.jpg4-jun-2024-Selection of incentives for a business strategy based on crop diversification
ALCON ET AL 2024.pdf.jpg21-dic-2023-Cost benefit analysis of diversified farming systems across Europe: incorporating non-market benefits of ecosystem services
Standardof..R.pdf.jpg11-dic-2023-Standard of Living. Essays on Economics, History, and Religion in Honor of John E. Murray. [Patrick Gray, Joshua Hall, Ruth Wallis Herndon y Javier Silvestre (eds.)]. Cham. Springer, Studies in Economic History, 2022. Reseña.
JavierPuch..r.pdf.jpgdic-2023-In Memoriam. Javier Puche Gil (1979-2023): investigador, docente y persona ejemplar.
Perni_MartinezPaz_EIA_Portman.pdf.jpgnov-2023-Socioeconomic assessment of the restoration of highly modified coastal ecosystems by mining activities
Albaladejo-Garcia et al 2023_LANDUP.pdf.jpgnov-2023-Integrating socio-spatial preference heterogeneity into the assessment of the aesthetic quality of a Mediterranean agricultural landscape
Zabala et al 2023.pdf.jpg13-oct-2023-Crop diversification practices in Europe: an economic cross-case study comparison
Blasi et al 2023_STOTEN.pdf.jpg1-oct-2023-Are citizens willing to pay for the ecosystem services supported by Common Agricultural Policy? A non-market valuation by choice experiment
2023_Sociología y Tecnociencia.pdf.jpg10-ago-2023-Digitalization and skills in Spain: regional differences and gender gaps
Identification of Marine Biotechnology.pdf.jpg22-jul-2023-Identification of Marine Biotechnology Value Chains with High Potential in the Northern Mediterranean Region
22-jul-2023-Identification of Marine Biotechnology Value Chains with High Potential in the Northern Mediterranean Region
2023_EDUCAR.pdf.jpg12-jul-2023-Evaluación de la combinación de clase invertida y uso de aplicaciones para promover una docencia universitaria interactiva
2023_Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice.pdf.jpg25-may-2023-Teaching Materials for Active Methodologies in University Education
05_REMIE-Multidisciplinary Journal of Educational Research.pdf.jpg24-abr-2023-Social and Territorial Inequality of Education in Spain
CandelaCam..y.pdf.jpg15-may-2022-Growing taller unequally? Adult height and socioeconomic status in Spain (Cohorts 1940-1994)
2022_Papers in Regional Science.pdf.jpgabr-2022-The relation between the index of economic freedom and good governance with efficiency of the European Structural Funds
Zabala et al 2022.pdf.jpgfeb-2022-Integration of preference heterogeneity into sustainable nature conservation: from practice to policy
04_International Journal of Social Economics.pdf.jpg12-ene-2022-Territorial efficiency of social spending in Spain
MartinezJo..a.pdf.jpg6-ene-2022-Birth Size and Maternal, Social, and Environmental Factors in the Province of Jujuy, Argentina
Martinezet..H.pdf.jpg2022-Birth Size and Maternal, Social, and Environmental Factors in the Province of Jujuy, Argentina
Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 20 de 60