International Journal of English Studies: 2010, V. 10, N. 1 : [12]  Estadísticas

Issue Editors: Raquel Criado Sánchez & Aquilino Sánchez Pérez
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Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 12 de 12
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónFecha de CreaciónTítulo
114041-452731-1-PB.pdf.jpg2010-Book review
114001-452571-1-PB.pdf.jpg2010-An attempt to elaborate a construct to measure the degree of explicitness and implicitness in ELT materials
113961-452411-1-PB.pdf.jpg2010-Differences in attainment and performance in a Foreign language: the role of working memory capacity
113991-452531-1-PB.pdf.jpg2010-Effects of explicit instruction on incidental noticing of metaphorical word sequences during a subsequent reading task
113971-452451-1-PB.pdf.jpg2010-Self-directed Noticing for Defossilissation: Three Case Studies
113951-452371-1-PB.pdf.jpg2010-The two faces of SLA: mental representation and skill
113981-452491-1-PB.pdf.jpg2010-The Effect of Instruction on Learners’ Pragmatic Awareness: a Focus on Refusals
114011-452611-1-PB.pdf.jpg2010-The Differential Effect of Two Types of Direct Written Corrective Feedback on Noticing and Uptake: Reformulation vs. Error Correction
114021-452651-1-PB.pdf.jpg2010-Practice for Second Language Learning: Don’t Throw out the Baby with the Bathwater
114031-452691-1-PB.pdf.jpg2010-About the Authors
Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 12 de 12