Anales de psicología: Vol. 36, Nº 1 (2020) : [20]  Estadísticas

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Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 20 de 20
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05_ANALES_PSICOLOGIA_V36_N1_2020.pdf.jpg1-dic-2019-Development and validation of the Teaching Styles Inventory for Higher Education (TSIHE)
20_ANALES_PSICOLOGIA_V36_N1_2020.pdf.jpg1-dic-2019-Strength-based approach for building resilience in school children: The case of Gaza
15_ANALES_PSICOLOGIA_V36_N1_2020.pdf.jpg1-dic-2019-Living conditions and coping strategies of women with breast cancer in Córdoba, Colombia
01_ANALES_PSICOLOGIA_V36_N1_2020.pdf.jpg1-dic-2019-Psychometric properties of the Recovery Experience Questionnaire at Argentine workers
16_ANALES_PSICOLOGIA_V36_N1_2020.pdf.jpg1-dic-2019-Personality and coping. What traits predict adaptive strategies?
18_ANALES_PSICOLOGIA_V36_N1_2020.pdf.jpg1-dic-2019-Current status on the opinion and implementation in the society of psychologists in Spain. An exploratory study
19_ANALES_PSICOLOGIA_V36_N1_2020.pdf.jpg1-dic-2019-The role of the Association of Psychologists-COP in the international ranking of Spanish Psychology (1979-2018)
17_ANALES_PSICOLOGIA_V36_N1_2020.pdf.jpg1-dic-2019-Health and burnout of home health care assistants: Impact of a training intervention
04_ANALES_PSICOLOGIA_V36_N3_2020.pdf.jpg1-dic-2019-Development and validation of the School Climate Questionnaire for Secondary and High School Teachers (SCQ-SHST)
02_ANALES_PSICOLOGIA_V36_N1_2020.pdf.jpg1-dic-2019-Risk factors associated with substance use in female victims of abuse living in a context of poverty
03_ANALES_PSICOLOGIA_V36_N1_2020.pdf.jpg1-dic-2019-Online sexual activities among university students: relationship with sexual satisfaction
08_ANALES_PSICOLOGIA_V36_N1_2020.pdf.jpg1-dic-2019-Cognitive Flexibility and Mental Well-Being in Turkish Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Academic, Social and Emotional Self-Efficacy
10_ANALES_PSICOLOGIA_V36_N1_2020.pdf.jpg1-dic-2019-Social support and self-perception in bullying roles
07_ANALES_PSICOLOGIA_V36_N1_2020.pdf.jpg1-dic-2019-Differences in classroom motivational climate: causes, effects and implications for teacher education. A multilevel study
14_ANALES_PSICOLOGIA_V36_N1_2020.pdf.jpg1-dic-2019-Content and format preferences of a depression prevention program: A study in perinatal women
12_ANALES_PSICOLOGIA_V36_N1_2020.pdf.jpg1-dic-2019-Psychometric validation of the Environmental Reward Observation Scale (EROS) in breast cancer survivors
09_ANALES_PSICOLOGIA_V36_N1_2020.pdf.jpg1-dic-2019-Differential analysis of executive functions in children from disadvantaged families vs. children with autism spectrum disorder
11_ANALES_PSICOLOGIA_V36_N1_2020.pdf.jpg1-dic-2019-Emotional intelligence in the field of education: a meta-analysis
06_ANALES_PSICOLOGIA_V36_N1_2020.pdf.jpg1-dic-2019-Perceived social support as a predictor of academic success in Spanish university students
13_ANALES_PSICOLOGIA_V36_N1_2020.pdf.jpg1-dic-2019-Personality differences and psychological variables related to risk for eating disorders
Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 20 de 20