Anales de psicología: Vol. 37, Nº 3 (2021) : [22]  Estadísticas

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Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 20 de 22
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01_Anales de psicología_v37_n3_2021_From randomized control trial to mixed methods.pdf.jpg2021-From randomized control trial to mixed methods: a practical framework for program evaluation based on methodological quality
17_Anales de psicología_v37_n3_2021_Cardiovascular response to stress in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy.pdf.jpg2021-Cardiovascular response to stress in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy: preliminary data
15_Anales de psicología_v37_n3_2021_Threat cues and attentional bias in blood-injection-injury phobia and snake phobia.pdf.jpg2021-Threat cues and attentional bias in blood-injection-injury phobia and snake phobia
05_Anales de psicología_v37_n3_2021_Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS).pdf.jpg2021-Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) adapted to work: Psychometric Properties of the Satisfaction with Work Scale (SWWS)
12_eng_Anales de psicología_v37_n3_2021_Prevalence of Orthorexia Nervosa in Spanish university students.pdf.jpg2021-Prevalence of Orthorexia Nervosa in Spanish university students: relationship with body image and eating disorders
21_Anales de psicología_v37_n3_2021_The early days of electrodermal activity.pdf.jpg2021-The early days of electrodermal activity
22_Anales de psicología_v37_n3_2021_Editorial note. Introduction to the Special Issue.pdf.jpg2021-Editorial note. Introduction to the Special Issue “Brain and Behavior: A Neuroscientific / Psychophysiological Approach”, in honor and memory of Prof. Jesús Gómez Amor
03_Anales de psicología_v37_n3_2021_Exploring skill requirements for the Industry 4 0.pdf.jpg2021-Exploring skill requirements for the industry 4.0: a worker-oriented approach
14_Anales de psicología_v37_n3_2021_Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS.pdf.jpg2021-Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). An effective tool for improving episodic memory in young people?
11_Anales de psicología_v37_n3_2021_A multilevel analysis of the effects of indoor activities.pdf.jpg2021-A multilevel analysis of the effects of indoor activities on psychological wellbeing during COVID-19 pandemic
10_Anales de psicología_v37_n3_2021_Investigation of Pre-School Childrens.pdf.jpg2021-Investigation of pre-school childrens’ self-concept in terms of emotion regulation skill, behavior and emotional status
07_Anales de psicología_v37_n3_2021_Factors to enhance the development of inclusive university communities.pdf.jpg2021-Factors to enhance the development of inclusive university communities: ideas, beliefs and attitudes of university teachers towards disability
20_Anales de psicología_v37_n3_2021_A psychophysiological approach to fear appeals.pdf.jpg2021-A psychophysiological approach to fear appeals. Autonomic, subjective and behavioral responses to health promotion messages
18_Anales de psicología_v37_n3_2021_Subclinical social anxiety in healthy young adults.pdf.jpg2021-Subclinical social anxiety in healthy young adults: Cortisol and subjective anxiety in response to acute stress
19_Anales de psicología_v37_n3_2021_Autonomic, hormonal, and subjective responses to amodified version of the TSST.pdf.jpg2021-Autonomic, hormonal, and subjective responses to a modified version of the TSST: a pilot study
04_Anales de psicología_v37_n3_2021_The Gender Role Attitude Scale (GRAS).pdf.jpg2021-The Gender Role Attitude Scale (GRAS) as an alternative for the crisis in the measurement of attitudes towards gender roles in Latin America: a study in Chilean university students
09_eng_Anales de psicología_v37_n3_2021_Observational measures to evaluate parenting responsiveness.pdf.jpg2021-Observational measures to evaluate parenting responsiveness: a systematic review
08_Anales de psicología_v37_n3_2021_Self-regulation of academic emotions.pdf.jpg2021-Self-regulation of academic emotions: recent research and prospective view
02_eng_Anales de psicología_v37_n3_2021_Evolution of scientific collaboration within Spanish Psychology between 1970 and 1989.pdf.jpg2021-Evolution of scientific collaboration within Spanish Psychology between 1970 and 1989
06_Anales de psicología_v37_n3_2021_Power Decreases Loneliness through Enhanced Social Suppor.pdf.jpg2021-Power decreases loneliness through enhanced social support: the moderating role of social exclusion
Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 20 de 22