International Journal of English Studies: 2021, V. 21, N. 1 : [6]  Estadísticas

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413401-Article Text-1689361-1-10-20210629.pdf.jpg2021-Failed family sagas: male lineage in Italian/American literature and literary tradition.
419541-Article Text-1689271-1-10-20210629.pdf.jpg2021-Resisting borders: transnational cartographies in US Latinx studies.
426411-Article Text-1689461-1-10-20210629.pdf.jpg2021-Selected determinants of pronunciation anxiety.
412191-Article Text-1689391-1-10-20210629.pdf.jpg2021-Measuring productive derivational knowledge of the most frequent words.
438891-Article Text-1689421-1-10-20210629.pdf.jpg2021-Accommodating the syllabus to visually impaired students in the English language classroom: challenges and concerns.
437511-Article Text-1689311-1-10-20210629.pdf.jpg2021-Afroperipheral indigeneity in Wayde Compton’s The Outer Harbour.
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