Buscar por Materia Immunohistochemistry

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Major histocompatibility complex expression in muscle of rats with graftversushost disease.pdf.jpg1996-Major histocompatibility complex expression in muscle of rats with graft-versus-host disease
Localization of regulatory peptides in the male urogenital apparatus of domestic equidae a comparative immunohistochemical.pdf.jpg1997-Localization of regulatory peptides in the male urogenital apparatus of domestic equidae: a comparative immunohistochemical study in Equus caballus and Equus asinus
lmmunocytochemical correlates of an extrapituitary adrenocortical regulation in man.pdf.jpg1997-lmmunocytochemical correlates of an extrapituitary adrenocortical regulation in man
Analysis of allogenic lymphocytes in rat thymus following sublethal irradiation.pdf.jpg1997-Analysis of allogenic lymphocytes in rat thymus following sublethal irradiation
lron binding proteins in gallbladder carcinomas An immunocytochemical investigation.pdf.jpg1997-lron binding proteins in gallbladder carcinomas An immunocytochemical investigation
Distribution of VIP receptors in the human submandibular gland an immunohistochemical study.pdf.jpg1998-Distribution of VIP receptors in the human submandibular gland, an immunohistochemical study
Oxidative stress and amyloidosis.pdf.jpg1998-Oxidative stress and amyloidosis
Localization of thrombospondinl and its cysteineserinevalinethreoninecysteineglycine receptor in colonic anastomotic healing tissue.pdf.jpg1998-Localization of thrombospondin-l and its cysteine-serine-valine-threonine-cysteine-glycine receptor in colonic anastomotic healing tissue
Characterisation of cytotrophoblasticlike cells present in subinvolutioned placental sites of the bitch.pdf.jpg1998-Characterisation of cytotrophoblastic-like cells present in subinvolutioned placental sites of the bitch
Skeletal muscle fibre types, detection methods and embryonic....pdf.jpg1998-Skeletal muscle fibre types: detection methods and embryonic determinants
Glycoprotein CD44 expression in benign premalignant and malignant epithelial lesions of the larynx. An immunohistochemical study including.pdf.jpg1999-Glycoprotein CD44 expression in benign, premalignant and malignant epithelial lesions of the larynx. An immunohistochemical study including
lmmunocytochemical distribution of cytochrome P4501A CYPlA in developing gilthead seabream Sparus aurata.pdf.jpg1999-lmmunocytochemical distribution of cytochrome P4501A CYPlA in developing gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata
Bone marrow histopathology in chronic myelogenous leukemia CML evaluation of distinctive features with clinical impact.pdf.jpg1999-Bone marrow histopathology in chronic myelogenous leukemia ,CML, evaluation of distinctive features with clinical impact
Expression of ckit and kitligand in benign and malignant prostatic tissues.pdf.jpg2000-Expression of c-kit and kit-ligand in benign and malignant prostatic tissues
Effects of ethanol on the ultrastructure of the hamster thyroid Ccell.pdf.jpg2000-Effects of ethanol on the ultrastructure of the hamster thyroid C-cell
Intrinsic innervation in the intestine of the lizard Podarcis hispanica.pdf.jpg2000-Intrinsic innervation in the intestine of the lizard Podarcis hispanica
Expression of p53 p21 waf l  bcl2 bax Rb and Ki67 proteins in Hodgkins lymphomas.pdf.jpg2000-Expression of p53, p21 waf l , bcl-2, bax, Rb and Ki67 proteins in Hodgkin's lymphomas
Transforming growth factor01 gene and protein expression associated with atherogenesis of cholesterolfed rabbits.pdf.jpg2000-Transforming growth factor-01 gene and protein expression associated with atherogenesis of cholesterol-fed rabbits
Expression of a neucerbB2like product in neuroendocrine cells of mammals.pdf.jpg2000-Expression of a neu,c-erbB-2-like product in neuroendocrine cells of mammals
The distribution of cholinergic neurons in the human central nervous system.pdf.jpg2000-The distribution of cholinergic neurons in the human central nervous system