Buscar por Autor Legaz Pérez, Isabel

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J of Comparative Neurology - 2004 - Medina - Expression of Dbx1  Neurogenin 2  Semaphorin 5A  Cadherin 8  and Emx1.pdf.jpg5-jul-2004-Expression of Dbx1, Neurogenin 2, Semaphorin 5A, Cadherin 8, and Emx1 distinguish ventral and lateral pallial histogenetic divisions in the developing mouse claustroamygdaloid complex
J of Comparative Neurology - 2004 - Dávila - Embryonic and postnatal development of GABA  calbindin  calretinin  and.pdf.jpg3-ene-2005-Embryonic and postnatal development of GABA, calbindin, calretinin, and parvalbumin in the mouse claustral complex
J of Comparative Neurology - 2005 - Legaz - Development of neurons and fibers containing calcium binding proteins in the.pdf.jpg8-ago-2005-Development of neurons and fibers containing calcium binding proteins in the pallial amygdala of mouse, with special emphasis on those of the basolateral amygdalar complex
1-s2.0-S0361923005001693-main.pdf.jpg15-sep-2005-Subpallial origin of part of the calbindin-positive neurons of the claustral complex and piriform cortex
J of Comparative Neurology - 2007 - García‐López - Histogenetic compartments of the mouse centromedial and extended.pdf.jpg7-nov-2007-Histogenetic compartments of the mouse centromedial and extended amygdala based on gene expression patterns during development
1-s2.0-S0891061807001202-main.pdf.jpgene-2008-Dynamic patterns of colocalization of calbindin, parvalbumin and GABA in subpopulations of mouse basolateral amygdalar cells during development
LegazPerez.pdf.jpg5-mar-200831-jul-2006Caracterización genética y origen de las neuronas de la región claustroamigdalina en ratón.
J of Comparative Neurology - 2010 - Bupesh - Multiple telencephalic and extratelencephalic embryonic domains contribute.pdf.jpg23-dic-2010-Multiple telencephalic and extratelencephalic embryonic domains contribute neurons to the medial extended amygdala
1-s2.0-S0198885910005781-main.pdf.jpgmar-2011-Divergences in KIR2D+ natural killer and KIR2D+CD8+ T-cell reconstitution following liver transplantation
1-s2.0-S0198885911001480-main.pdf.jpg22-jun-2011-CD28 and KIR2D receptors as sensors of the immune status in heart and liver transplantation
s00251-013-0682-0.pdf.jpg31-ene-2013-KIR gene variability in cutaneous malignant melanoma: influence of KIR2D/HLA-C pairings on disease susceptibility and prognosis
kir_gene_mismatching_and_kir_c_ligands_in_liver.9.pdf.jpg27-abr-2013-KIR gene mismatching and KIR/C ligands in liver transplantation: consequences for short-term liver allograft injury
3330.pdf.jpg20-nov-2014-KIR3DL2 is a coinhibitory receptor on Sézary syndrome malignant T cells that promotes resistance to activation-induced cell death
1-s2.0-S0891061815001039-main.pdf.jpg31-dic-2015-Radial derivatives of the mouse ventral pallium traced with Dbx1-LacZ reporters
Alcoholism Clin   Exp Res - 2016 - Legaz - Epidemiology  Evolution  and Long‐Term Survival of Alcoholic Cirrhosis Patients.pdf.jpgabr-2016-Epidemiology, evolution, and long-term survival of alcoholic cirrhosis patients submitted to liver transplantation in southeastern Spain
Overexpression of KIR inhibitory ligands  HLA-I  determines that immunosurveillance of myeloma depends on diverse and strong NK cell licensing.pdf.jpg8-abr-2016-Overexpression of KIR inhibitory ligands (HLA-I) determines that immunosurveillance of myeloma depends on diverse and strong NK cell licensing
Fátima Sánchez Gómez Tesis Doctoral .pdf.jpg13-oct-20167-oct-2016Cribado del consumo de riesgo de alcohol en Atención Primaria : eficacia diagnóstica de nuevos biomarcadores séricos
Microbiology and Immunology - 2016 - López‐Hernández - Killer immunoglobulin‐like receptor repertoire analysis in a.pdf.jpgnov-2016-Killer immunoglobulin-like receptor repertoire analysis in a Caucasian Spanish cohort with inflammatory bowel disease
1-s2.0-S0041134516306662-main.pdf.jpgnov-2016-Pretransplant CD28 Biomarker (Levels of Expression and Quantification of Molecules per Cell) in Peripheral CD4+ T Cells Predicts Acute Rejection Episodes in Liver and Kidney Recipients
201-204.pdf.jpg2017-Biochemical correction factors to estimation of post-mortem interval in vitreous humor