Histology and histopathology: Vol. 9, nº 2 (1994) : [23]  Estadísticas

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Carbohydrates and soluble lectins in the regulation of cell adhesion and proliferation.pdf.jpg1994-Carbohydrates and soluble lectins in the regulation of cell adhesion and proliferation
6 5 inn studies of the neurobiology of Zinc.pdf.jpg1994-Invited Review: 65Zn in studies of neurobiology of Zinc
Transitional papillary cell carcinoma of the ureter a histological and ultrastructural study.pdf.jpg1994-Transitional papillary cell carcinoma of the ureter, a histological and ultrastructural study
Astrocytes in brain tumours. Differentiation or trapping.pdf.jpg1994-Astrocytes in brain tumours. Differentiation or trapping
Neutrophil interaction with tumour cells in small early gastric cancer ultrastructural observations.pdf.jpg1994-Neutrophil interaction with tumour cells in small early gastric cancer, ultrastructural observations
Influence of luteinizing hormonereleasing hormone LHRH treatment on cellular proliferation in the rat anterior pituitary.pdf.jpg1994-Influence of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone LHRH, treatment on cellular proliferation in the rat anterior pituitary
Effects of prostaglandin Eq on the ultrastructure of the golden hamster parathyroid gland.pdf.jpg1994-Effects of prostaglandin Eq on the ultrastructure of the golden hamster parathyroid gland
AgNOR and breast cancer. A study by image analysis.pdf.jpg1994-AgNOR and breast cancer. A study by image analysis
Zinc in hypothalamus and hypophysis of the rat.pdf.jpg1994-Zinc in hypothalamus and hypophysis of the rat
Paginas de NaKATPase activity in the guinea pig stria vascularis in experimentallyinduced endolymphatic hydrops.pdf.jpg1994-Páginas de Na-K-ATPase activity in the guinea pig stria vascularis in experimentally-induced endolymphatic hydrops
The distribution of corticotropinreleasing factor immunoreactive neurons and nerve fibres in the brain of Gambusia affinis and Salmo trutta.pdf.jpg1994-The distribution of corticotropin-releasing factor immunoreactive neurons and nerve fibres in the brain of Gambusia affinis and Salmo trutta
Agedependent changes in the function and morphology of mitochondria of rat adrenal zona fasciculata.pdf.jpg1994-Age-dependent changes in the function and morphology of mitochondria of rat adrenal zona fasciculata
Serotonin immunoreacmtivitiyn the carotid body of adult humans.pdf.jpg1994-Serotonin immunoreacmtivitiyn the carotid body of adult humans
Human eosinophils in vitro. An ultrastructural morphology primer.pdf.jpg1994-Human eosinophils in vitro. An ultrastructural morphology primer
In favour of an oncofoetal concept of bronchogenic carcinoma development.pdf.jpg1994-In favour of an oncofoetal concept of bronchogenic carcinoma development
Primary biliary cirrhosis PBC antigenpresenting cells differ in their distribution in early and late stage PBC and involve the ductal....pdf.jpg1994-Primary biliary cirrhosis PBC, antigen-presenting cells differ in their distribution in early and late stage PBC and involve the ductal...
ImmunohistochemicaImorphometric study of the LHadenohypophyseal cells following chronic treatment with metenkephalin.pdf.jpg1994-ImmunohistochemicaI-morphometric study of the LH-adenohypophyseal cells following chronic treatment with met-enkephalin
Glycosaminoglycansac formation in vitro. Interactions between normal and malignant cells.pdf.jpg1994-Glycosaminoglycan-sac formation in vitro. Interactions between normal and malignant cells
Morphology and changes in Clara cells in the foetal bronchioles of Swiss mice.pdf.jpg1994-Morphology and changes in Clara cells in the foetal bronchioles of Swiss mice
Morphometrical changes in the rat thymic lymphoid cells after treatment with two different doses of estradiol benzoate.pdf.jpg1994-Morphometrical changes in the rat thymic lymphoid cells after treatment with two different doses of estradiol benzoate
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