Histology and histopathology: Vol.26, nº6 (2011) : [13]  Estadísticas

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Vista previaFecha de publicaciónFecha de CreaciónTítulo
Maldonado-26-747-759-2011.pdf.jpg2011-Cell-type specific regulation of galectin-3 expression by glucocorticoids in lung Clara cells and macrophages
Rauch-26-711-724-2011.pdf.jpg2011-Laminin isoforms in atherosclerotic arteries from mice and man
Locht-26-689-697-2011.pdf.jpg2011-Uptake of silver from metallic silver surfaces induces cell death and a pro-inflammatory response in cultured J774 macrophages
Ohno-26-725-733-2011.pdf.jpg2011-Induction of epithelial migration of lymphocytes by intercellular adhesion molecule-1 in a rat model of oral mucosal graft-versus-host disease
Okayasu-26-679-688-2011.pdf.jpg2011-Cytoglobin expression of rectal subepithelial myofibroblasts: Significant alterations of cytoglobin+ stromal cells in long-standing ulcerative colitis
Takahashi-26-663-671-2011.pdf.jpg2011-Overexpression of GRP78 and GRP94 is involved in colorectal carcinogenesis
Aneiros-Fernandez-26-673-678-2011.pdf.jpg2011-Expression of smoothelin and smooth muscle actin in the skin
Latif-26-699-710-2011.pdf.jpg2011-Efficacy of Nigella sativa in alleviating benzo[a]pyrene-induced immunotoxicity in broilers
Stintzing-26-735-745-2011.pdf.jpg2011-Role of cannabinoid receptors and RAGE in inflammatory bowel disease
Varani-26-769-779-2011.pdf.jpg2011-Calcium, calcium-sensing receptor and growth control in the colonic mucosa
Du-26-761-768-2011.pdf.jpg2011-Expression of cell-cycle regulatory proteins BUBR1, MAD2, Aurora A, cyclin A and cyclin E in invasive ductal breast carcinomas
Lokmic-26-781-796-2011.pdf.jpg2011-Visualisation and stereological assessment of blood and lymphatic vessels
Klopfleisch-26-797-810-2011.pdf.jpg2011-Excavation of a buried treasure – DNA, mRNA, miRNA and protein analysis in formalin fixed, paraffin embedded tissues
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