Histology and histopathology: Vol. 7, nº 1 (1992) : [19]  Estadísticas

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Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 19 de 19
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Morphodynamic response of the rat light pinealocytes.pdf.jpg1992-Morphodynamic response of the rat light pinealocytes to an injection act. lmplication of O-adrenoreceptors
Electron microscopic observations of elastic.pdf.jpg1992-Electron microscopic observations of elastic fibres in the lung and aorta of tight-skin and beta-aminopropionitrile-fed mice
Ultrastructural findings of congenital dyserythropoietic.pdf.jpg1992-Ultrastructural findings of congenital dyserythropoietic sickle cell beta thal-associated anemia
Submucosal plexus of terminal ileum a study.pdf.jpg1992-Submucosal plexus of terminal ileum: a study of the cholinergic and noradrenergic nerves in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes
Postnatal maturation of the parenchymal.pdf.jpg1992-Postnatal maturation of the parenchymal cell types in the rabbit pineal gland
Some morphological and histochemical features.pdf.jpg1992-Some morphological and histochemical features of the midgut myenteric plexus of the common european frog, Rana Esculenta
Regional variation in ontogeny.pdf.jpg1992-Regional variation in ontogeny of class II antigens in enterocytes of mouse small intestine
Axonal and transsynaptic transneuronal.pdf.jpg1992-Axonal and transsynaptic (transneuronal) spread of Herpesvirus simiae (B virus) in experimentally infected mice
Ageing of the human entorhinal cortex.pdf.jpg1992-Ageing of the human entorhinal cortex and subicular complex
Effects of white light on the pineal gland.pdf.jpg1992-Effects of white light on the pineal gland of the chick embryo
ACTHinduced ultrastructural changes.pdf.jpg1992-ACTH-induced ultrastructural changes in the zona fasciculata of the hamster adrenal cortex. Are intraadrenal thrombi regulators of corticosteroid secretion?
Scrotal angiokeratoma Fordyce histopathological.pdf.jpg1992-Scrotal angiokeratoma (Fordyce): histopathological and ultrastructural findings
Effect of ascitic liquid on growth in vitro of embryoid.pdf.jpg1992-Effect of ascitic liquid on growth in vitro of embryoid bodies derived from teratocarcinoma
Expression of major histocompatibility complex.pdf.jpg1992-Expression of major histocompatibility complex antigens and CR3 complement receptors in activated microglia following an injection of ricin into the sciatic nerve in rats
Radiation retinopathy electron microscopy.pdf.jpg1992-Radiation retinopathy: electron microscopy of retina and optic nerve
Ultrastructural changes in the synovial membrane.pdf.jpg1992-Ultrastructural changes in the synovial membrane in experimentally-induced osteoarthritis of rabbit knee joint
Primary Bcell gastric lymphomas of mucosaassociated.pdf.jpg1992-Primary B-cell gastric lymphomas of mucosaassociated lymphoid tissue. Histological and immunohistochemical study of ten cases on surgical specimens
Bacillary angiomatosis. A new disease.pdf.jpg1992-Bacillary angiomatosis. A ((new)) disease with a broadening clinicopathologic spectrum
The effect of mesulergine on prolactin secretion.pdf.jpg1992-The effect of mesulergine on prolactin secretion and anterior pituitary cells morphology in diethylstilboestrol-treated female Wistar rats
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