Métodos Cuantitativos para la Economía y la Empresa: Artículos: Métodos Cuantitativos para la Economía y la Empresa : [54]  Estadísticas

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Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 20 de 54
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónFecha de CreaciónTítulo
Evaluation..g.pdf.jpg10-feb-2024-Evaluation of the concerns of Spanish university students in the face ofcurrent major challenges
ene-2024-Pollution-induced migration and environmental policy in an economic geography model
BCDating.pdf.jpg13-dic-2023-Econometric methods for business cycle dating
MissGroup.pdf.jpgjul-2023-Factor models for large and incomplete data sets with unknown group structure
homicides.pdf.jpgjun-2023-A dynamic factor model to predict homicides with firearm in the United States
Flanneryetal2023.pdf.jpg26-may-2023-School socio-economic context and student achievement in Ireland: an unconditional quantile regression analysis using PISA 2018 data
CCP.pdf.jpgmar-2023-What drives industrial energy prices?
ClavelFlan..b.pdf.jpg27-feb-2023-Who Chooses Single Sex Schooling and Why? Evidence from Ireland
ALBALADEJO, GONZÁLEZ Y MARTÍNEZ(4).pdf.jpgene-2023-La evolución de turismo en España: Cataluña y Andalucía versus Baleares y Canarias
ClavelFlan..3.pdf.jpg15-dic-2022-Single-sex schooling, gender and educational performance: Evidence using PISA data
Manuscript_sage (conflicted copy 2022-10-20 191059).pdf.jpgnov-2022-Tourism distribution at competing destinations: Mobility changes and relocation
AgeneralApproach_SanchezM.pdf.jpg25-mar-2022-A general approach on privacy and its implications in the digital economy
Manuscript.pdf.jpg2022-Connected Audiences in Digital Media Markets: The Dynamics of University Online Video Impact
How_can_Belsoetal.pdf.jpg27-nov-2021-How can R&D programs induce unplanned R&D collaborative networks in clusters?
CamRom.pdf.jpg4-oct-2021-Tourism and GDP short-run causality revisited: a Symbolic Transfer Entropy approach
Molinaetalt.2023.pdf.jpg11-sep-2021-Business model experimentation in SMEs: the application of a dual scaling technique
2020_05_reg.comp.pdf.jpg19-abr-2021-Privatization Policies by National and Regional Governments
2020 09 almond rev.pdf.jpg29-mar-2021-TRACKING THE PRICE OF ALMONDS IN SPAIN
2020_10 loss aversion pq.pdf.jpgmar-2021-Price versus quantity in a duopoly of vertical differentiation with loss-averse consumers
Claveletal.2021.pdf.jpg27-feb-2021-Rising above their circumstances: what makes some disadvantagedEast and South-East Asian students perform far better in science thantheir background predicts?
Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 20 de 54