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Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 20 de 40
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2023 Fusion Eng and Design.pdf.jpg26-oct-2023-A programmable web platform for distributed access, analysis, and visualization of data
CGAPP_Platform.pdf.jpg9-oct-2023-CGAPP: A continuous group authentication privacy-preserving platform for industrial scene
2023_JFA.pdf.jpg2023-Subspaces of Hilbert-generated Banach spaces and the quantification of super weak compactness
New Advances PD RM.pdf.jpg2023-New advances in permutation decoding of first-order Reed-Muller codes
1-s2.0-S0301479722012981-main.pdf.jpg18-jul-2022-Tools for evaluation and prediction of industrial noise sources. Application to a wastewater treatment plant
2022 Transactions Ind Inf.pdf.jpg29-abr-2022-A supervised ML Biometric Continuous Authentication System for Industry 4.0
2022_JMAA.pdf.jpg2022-On uniformly convex functions
2022_Fourier.pdf.jpg2022-Nonlinear aspects of super weakly compact sets
ggdim211005.pdf.jpg8-nov-2021-Gorenstein weak global dimension is symmetric
2021 sensors-21-03765.pdf.jpg28-may-2021-S3: An AI-Enabled User Continuous Authentication for Smartphones Based on Sensors, Statistics and Speaker Information
gfcdDEFINITIVO.pdf.jpg1-feb-2021-A refinement of Gorenstein flat dimension via the flat–cotorsion theory
Globalization PC Groups.pdf.jpg2021-Globalization of Partial Cohomology of Groups
ABMS_Bernal_Simon_Arxiv.pdf.jpg20212021A new approach to the Berlekamp-Massey-Sakata Algorithm. Improving Locator Decoding
2021_Adv.pdf.jpg2021-Uniformly convex renormings and generalized cotypes
BernalBuenoSimon2018.pdf.jpg2020-Constructions of Abelian Codes multiplying dimension of cyclic codes
balance_revised_2.pdf.jpg13-ago-2019-Balanced pairs, cotorsion triplets and quiver representations
Periodic_Final_aceptado.pdf.jpg7-ago-2019-Periodic Modules and Acyclic Complexes
Characterizations of Ding injective complexes_revised.pdf.jpg24-jul-2019-Characterizations of Ding Injective Complexes
DSBounds.pdf.jpg2019-From ds-bounds for cyclic codes to true minimum distance for abelian codes
Slant helices, a new approximation (TJM) [digitum].pdf.jpg2019-Slant helices, a new approximation
Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 20 de 40