Economía Financiera y Contabilidad: Artículos: Economía Financiera y Contabilidad : [90]  Estadísticas

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Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 21 a 40 de 90
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TheReferen..s.pdf.jpg2023-The reference group as antecedent of gray market participation: an empirical analysis
10.3934era..1.pdf.jpg2023-From trust and dependence commitment to B2B engagement: An empirical analysis of inter-organizational cooperation in FMCG
Tutoria virtual.pdf.jpgdic-2022-Educación Superior y tutoría: uso del aula virtual en contabilidad
Sustainabi..e.pdf.jpg22-nov-2022-Sustainability, corporate social responsibility, non-financial reporting and company performance: Relationships and mediating effects in Spanish small and medium sized enterprises
Maloshbitos.pdf.jpg10-nov-2022-The Effect of Public Healthcare Expenditure on the Reduction in Mortality Rates Caused by Unhealthy Habits among the Population
Emprendimi..o.pdf.jpg22-sep-2022-The role of gender and connections between entrepreneurship and employability in higher education
Canalesded..n.pdf.jpg20-sep-2022-Using PLS-SEM for assessing negative impact and cooperation as antecedents of gray market in FMCG supply chains: An analysis on spanish wholesale distributors
GenderandCO2.pdf.jpg10-jun-2022-Are gender and cultural diversities on board related to corporate CO2 emissions?
SectorTurs..l.pdf.jpg2022-El sector turístico como motor del crecimiento y de la recuperación de la economía en la Costa del Sol
ICTCSRandP..s.pdf.jpg2022-Exploring Information and Communication Technologies as driving forces in hotel SMEs performance: Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility
Profession..e.pdf.jpg2022-Exploring the effect of professionalization, risk-taking and technological innovation on business performance
LaRSCenlaU..d.pdf.jpg2022-La Responsabilidad Social Corporativa en la formación universitaria: ¿Cuál es la percepción de los estudiantes de Administración y Dirección de Empresas?
Analisisfi..s.pdf.jpg2022-Análisis de los estados financieros en las fundaciones
ICTCSRINNO..-.pdf.jpg2022-Disentangling the effect of ICT adoption on SMEs performance: The mediating roles of Corporate Social Responsibility and Innovation
PatientSat..n.pdf.jpg2022-Analysis of patient satisfaction through the effect of healthcare spending on waiting times for consultations and operations
PensionsBi..s.pdf.jpg15-dic-2021-Pensions, Ageing and Social Security Research: Literature Review and Global Trends
RevBibliom..M.pdf.jpg7-dic-2021-The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Earnings Management: Bibliometric Review
Csrandperf..S.pdf.jpg21-nov-2021-Using PLS-SEM to Analyze the Effect of CSR on Corporate Performance: The Mediating Role of Human Resources Management and Customer Satisfaction: An Empirical Study in the Spanish Food and Beverage Manufacturing Sector
Games in the classroom.pdf.jpg18-nov-2021-Games in the classroom? Analysis of their effects on financial accounting marks in higher education
CEFInforma..a.pdf.jpg6-sep-2021-Información no financiera en la información financiera
Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 21 a 40 de 90