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Tissue transfers. Substrates for cytology and cytochemistry of animal tissues.pdf.jpg1999-Tissue transfers. Substrates for cytology and cytochemistry of animal tissues
Proteinaseantiproteinase imbalance in the pathogenesis of Emphysema. The role of metalloproteinases in lung damage.pdf.jpg1999-Proteinase-antiproteinase imbalance in the pathogenesis of Emphysema: The role of metalloproteinases in lung damage
Antigen retrieval on epoxy sections based on tissue infiltration with a moderately increased amount of accelerator to detect immune complex.pdf.jpg1999-Antigen retrieval on epoxy sections based on tissue infiltration with a moderately increased amount of accelerator to detect immune complex deposits in glomerular tissue
Etoposide sensitivity of human prostatic cancer cell lines PC3 DU 145 and LNCaP.pdf.jpg1999-Etoposide sensitivity of human prostatic cancer cell lines PC-3, DU 145 and LNCaP
Radial glia and cell debris removal during lesionregeneration of the lizard medial cortex.pdf.jpg1999-Radial glia and cell debris removal during lesion-regeneration of the lizard medial cortex
Selective nuclear morphometry as a prognostic factor of survival in renal cell carcinoma.pdf.jpg1999-Selective nuclear morphometry as a prognostic factor of survival in renal cell carcinoma
Effect of neonatal treatment with MSG Monosodium glutamate on thyroid of the adult male rats.pdf.jpg1999-Effect of neonatal treatment with MSG (Monosodium glutamate) on thyroid of the adult male rats
Clinical applications of detecting dysfunctional p53 tumor suppressor protein.pdf.jpg1999-Clinical applications of detecting dysfunctional p53 tumor suppressor protein
Activin. A novel player in tissue repair processes.pdf.jpg1999-Activin: A novel player in tissue repair processes
The degradation of glycogen in the lysosomes of newborn rat hepatocytes glycogen maltose and isomaltosehydrolyzing acid alpha.pdf.jpg1999-The degradation of glycogen in the lysosomes of newborn rat hepatocytes: glycogen-, maltose- and isomaltose-hydrolyzing acid alpha glucosidase activities in liver
Hepatotoxicity induced by the antioxidant food additive butylated hydroxytoluene BHT in rats. An electron microscopical study.pdf.jpg1999-Hepatotoxicity induced by the anti-oxidant food additive, butylated hydroxytoluene BHT, in rats. An electron microscopical study
The foveal photoreceptor mosaic in the pipefish Corythoichthyes paxtoni Syngnathidae Teleostei.pdf.jpg1999-The foveal photoreceptor mosaic in the pipefish, Corythoichthyes paxtoni Syngnathidae, Teleostei
Effects of longterm treatment with ethanol on the ultrastructure of the golden hamster parathyroid gland.pdf.jpg1999-Effects of long-term treatment with ethanol on the ultrastructure of the golden hamster parathyroid gland
Ultrastructural localization of acetylcholinesterase AChE activity in the chicken Harderian gland.pdf.jpg1999-Ultrastructural localization of acetylcholinesterase AChE activity in the chicken Harderian gland
The molecular pathology of Barretts esophagus.pdf.jpg1999-The molecular pathology of Barrett's esophagus
Cytokeratin expression patterns in normal and malignant urothelium a review of the biological and diagnostic implications.pdf.jpg1999-Cytokeratin expression patterns in normal and malignant urothelium, a review of the biological and diagnostic implications
Detection and significance of minimal residual disease in colorectal cancer.pdf.jpg1999-Detection and significance of minimal residual disease in colorectal cancer
Collagenplatelet interaction platelet nonintegrin receptors.pdf.jpg1999-Collagen-platelet interaction, platelet non-integrin receptors
Expression of the oestrogen responsive protein pS2 in human breast cancer.pdf.jpg1999-Expression of the oestrogen responsive protein pS2 in human breast cancer
Cells with morphological and immunohistochemical features of hepatic stellate cells Ito cells form an extralittoral extrasinusoidal compartment....pdf.jpg1999-Cells with morphological and immunohistochemical features of hepatic stellate cells (Ito cells) form an extralittoral (extrasinusoidal) compartment in the cirrhotic rat liver