Histology and histopathology: Vol. 7, nº 4 (1992) : [28]  Estadísticas

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Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 20 de 28
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The arterial pattern and fractal dimension of the dog kidney.pdf.jpg1992-The arterial pattern and fractal dimension of the dog kidney
Expression of intermediate filaments and other special markers by testicular germ cell tumors. With reference to embryogenesis.pdf.jpg1992-Expression of intermediate filaments and other special markers by testicular germ cell tumors. With reference to embryogenesis
Experimental induction of biliary cystadenoma in rats a morphological study.pdf.jpg1992-Experimental induction of biliary cystadenoma in rats: a morphological study
Localization of serotonin cholecystokinin and somatostatin immunoreactivity in the lower respiratory tract of embryonic foetal and postnatal sheep.pdf.jpg1992-Localization of serotonin, cholecystokinin and somatostatin immunoreactivity in the lower respiratory tract of embryonic, foetal and postnatal sheep
Sexspecific response of the vasopressinreacting neurons of the paraventricular nucleus of the rat hypothalamus following chronic.pdf.jpg1992-Sex-specific response of the vasopressin-reacting neurons of the paraventricular nucleus of the rat hypothalamus following chronic administration of met-enkephalin
Dermal cylindroma. Expression of intermediate filaments epithelial and neuroectodermal antigens.pdf.jpg1992-Dermal cylindroma. Expression of intermediate filaments, epithelial and neuroectodermal antigens
Ultrastructural study of neuromuscular junction in rectus femoris muscle of streptozotocindiabetic rats.pdf.jpg1992-Ultrastructural study of neuromuscular junction in rectus femoris muscle of streptozotocin-diabetic rats
Ultrastructural study of inflammatory bowel disease.pdf.jpg1992-Ultrastructural study of inflammatory bowel disease
An autopsy case of tuberous sclerosis. Histological and immunohistochemical study.pdf.jpg1992-An autopsy case of tuberous sclerosis. Histological and immunohistochemical study
Lesion and regeneration in the medical cerebral cortex of lizards.pdf.jpg1992-Lesion and regeneration in the medical cerebral cortex of lizards
Circadian and seasonal corticomedullary variations in pinealocyte nuclear size. A comparative statistical analysis.pdf.jpg1992-Circadian and seasonal cortico-medullary variations in pinealocyte nuclear size. A comparative statistical analysis
Seeding of expanded polytetrafluoroethylene ePTFE vascular grafts. A morphological study of porcine endothelial and fibroblast cells.pdf.jpg1992-Seeding of expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) vascular grafts. A morphological study of porcine endothelial and fibroblast cells
Lack of intimal hyperplasia response in an experimental model of nonendothelial vascular wall damage.pdf.jpg1992-Lack of intimal hyperplasia response in an experimental model of non-endothelial vascular wall damage
Morhometric changes in GHimmunoreactive adenohypophyseal cells induced by intraventricular administration of colchicine to adult rats.pdf.jpg1992-Morhometric changes in GH-immunoreactive adenohypophyseal cells induced by intraventricular administration of colchicine to adult rats
Stereological study of the synaptic profiles belonging to interneurons in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of the rabbit.pdf.jpg1992-Stereological study of the synaptic profiles belonging to interneurons in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of the rabbit
Immunohistochemical localization of glial fibrillary acidic protein GFAP in rat pineal stalk astrocytes.pdf.jpg1992-Immunohistochemical localization of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in rat pineal stalk astrocytes
In vitro differentiation of myxoid liposarcomas maintained in organ culture system.pdf.jpg1992-In vitro differentiation of myxoid liposarcomas maintained in organ culture system
Metanephric adenoma.pdf.jpg1992-Metanephric adenoma
Influence of preoperative dexamethasone therapy on proliferating cell nuclear antigen PCNA expression in comparison.pdf.jpg1992-Influence of preoperative dexamethasone therapy on proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) expression in comparison to other parameters in meningiomas
Small cell carcinoma of the stomach An immunohistochemical and electron microscopic study.pdf.jpg1992-Small cell carcinoma of the stomach: An immunohistochemical and electron microscopic study
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