Histology and histopathology: Vol. 6, nº 2 (1991) : [18]  Estadísticas

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lmmunohistochemical demonstration of neuronal and astrocytic markers and oncofoetal antigens in retinoblastomas.pdf.jpg1991-lmmunohistochemical demonstration of neuronal and astrocytic markers and oncofoetal antigens in retinoblastomas
The permeability of capillaries among the small granulecontaining cells in rat superior cervical ganglia an ultrastructural lanthanum tracer study.pdf.jpg1991-The permeability of capillaries among the small granule-containing cells in rat superior cervical ganglia, an ultrastructural lanthanum tracer study
Microvascular pericytes a review of their morphological and functional characteristics.pdf.jpg1991-Microvascular pericytes, a review of their morphological and functional characteristics
Effects of alcohol on laminin in rat gastric mucosa.pdf.jpg1991-Effects of alcohol on laminin in rat gastric mucosa
A comparative pathological study of three strains of Trypanosoma cruzi in an experimental model.pdf.jpg1991-A comparative pathological study of three strains of Trypanosoma cruzi in an experimental model
Amitosis in human adrenal cells.pdf.jpg1991-Amitosis in human adrenal cells
Ultrastructural study of bronchial epithelium in chronic respiratory diseases.pdf.jpg1991-Ultrastructural study of bronchial epithelium in chronic respiratory diseases
Ovariectomyinduced changes in the adrenal cortex of spontaneously hypertensive rats.pdf.jpg1991-Ovariectomy-induced changes in the adrenal cortex of spontaneously hypertensive rats
Comparative morphological studies of lamb and calf Sertoli cells treated with anabolic agents.pdf.jpg1991-Comparative morphological studies of lamb and calf Sertoli cells treated with anabolic agents
Morphology differentiation and matrix production of liver cells in organoid cultures high density cultures of fetal rat livers.pdf.jpg1991-Morphology, differentiation and matrix production of liver cells in organoid cultures high density cultures of fetal rat livers
Electron microscopic histochemical and immunochemical analyses of heparan sulfate proteoglycan distribution in renal glomerular basement membranes.pdf.jpg1991-Electron microscopic histochemical and immunochemical analyses of heparan sulfate proteoglycan distribution in renal glomerular basement membranes
Development of the small intestine of piglets in response to prenatal elevation of glucocorticoids.pdf.jpg1991-Development of the small intestine of piglets in response to prenatal elevation of glucocorticoids
Responses of the astroglia in sensory deprived olfactory bulb of developing rats.pdf.jpg1991-Responses of the astroglia in sensory deprived olfactory bulb of developing rats
Human eccrine sweat gland. Expression of neuroglandular antigens and coexpression of intermediate filaments.pdf.jpg1991-Human eccrine sweat gland. Expression of neuroglandular antigens and coexpression of intermediate filaments
Glomerular lesions in aleutian disease of mink Mustela vison A morphological and differential morphometrical study.pdf.jpg1991-Glomerular lesions in aleutian disease of mink Mustela vison A morphological and differential morphometrical study
Scanning electron microscopy observations of nasal mucosa in patients affected by retinitis pigmentosa.pdf.jpg1991-Scanning electron microscopy observations of nasal mucosa in patients affected by retinitis pigmentosa
Myelinated Herring bodies in the median eminence of the cat.pdf.jpg1991-Myelinated Herring bodies in the median eminence of the cat
Cardiac and pancreatic lesions in guinea pigs infected with encephalomyocarditis. EMC virus.pdf.jpg1991-Cardiac and pancreatic lesions in guinea pigs infected with encephalomyocarditis. EMC, virus
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