Histology and histopathology: Vol.12, nº 1 (1997) : [27]  Estadísticas

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Biomarkers of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck.pdf.jpg1997-Biomarkers of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck
T cell subsets in immunologicallymediated glomerulonephritis.pdf.jpg1997-T cell subsets in immunologically-mediated glomerulonephritis
Amplification of inhibitory mechanisms in cerebral ischemia an alternative approach to neuronal protection.pdf.jpg1997-Amplification of inhibitory mechanisms in cerebral ischemia: an alternative approach to neuronal protection
The contribution of type II pneumocytes and alveolar macrophages to fibroplasia processes in the course of enzymatic lung injury.pdf.jpg1997-The contribution of type II pneumocytes and alveolar macrophages to fibroplasia processes in the course of enzymatic lung injury
The ThomsenFriedenreich TF antigen a critical review on the structural biosynthetic and histochemica aspects of a pancarcinomaassociated antigen.pdf.jpg1997-The Thomsen-Friedenreich (TF) antigen: a critical review on the structural, biosynthetic and histochemica aspects of a pancarcinoma-associated antigen
lmmunohistochemical expression of Bcl2 oncoprotein in EBVassociated nasopharyngeal carcinoma correlated to histological type and survival.pdf.jpg1997-lmmunohistochemical expression of Bcl-2 oncoprotein in EBV-associated nasopharyngeal carcinoma correlated to histological type and survival
Upregulation of vascular endothelial growth factor in ischemic and nonischemic human and experimental retinal disease.pdf.jpg1997-Upregulation of vascular endothelial growth factor in ischemic and non-ischemic human and experimental retinal disease
The role of dystroglycan a novel receptor of laminin and agrin in cell differentiation.pdf.jpg1997-The role of dystroglycan, a novel receptor of laminin and agrin, in cell differentiation
A histopathological study of anoxicresuscitated liver allografts.pdf.jpg1997-A histopathological study of anoxic-resuscitated liver allografts
Ultrastructural characteristics of blood vessels in the infant and adult human cerebral cortex.pdf.jpg1997-Ultrastructural characteristics of blood vessels in the infant and adult human cerebral cortex
Apoptosis and autophagy in nigral neurons of patients with Parkinsons disease.pdf.jpg1997-Apoptosis and autophagy in nigral neurons of patients with Parkinson's disease
Biocompati bility and osteoconductivity of the pyrost bone substitutes.pdf.jpg1997-Biocompati bility and osteoconductivity of the pyrost bone substitutes
Electron microscopic study of  sprouting dendrites in the ciliary ganglia of cat and monkey Macaca fascicularis.pdf.jpg1997-Electron microscopic study of sprouting dendrites in the ciliary ganglia of cat and monkey (Macaca fascicularís) following pre- and post-ganglionic axotomy
Duodenal and gastric cell regenerating epithelia on margins of human duodenal ulcer and presence of H. pylori  An electron microscopic study.pdf.jpg1997-Duodenal and gastric cell regenerating epithelia on margins of human duodenal ulcer and presence of H. pylori - An electron microscopic study
Roles of integrins in fibronectin matrix assembly.pdf.jpg1997-Roles of integrins in fibronectin matrix assembly
Characterisationof thyroid medullary carcinoma TT cell line.pdf.jpg1997-Characterisationof thyroid medullary carcinoma TT cell line
The phylogenetic odyssey of the erythrocyte. IV. The amphibians.pdf.jpg1997-The phylogenetic odyssey of the erythrocyte. IV. The amphibians
Compartmentation of the granular layer of the cerebellum.pdf.jpg1997-Compartmentation of the granular layer of the cerebellum
Nitric oxide and nitric oxide synthase biology pathology localization.pdf.jpg1997-Nitric oxide and nitric oxide synthase: biology, pathology, localization
Gap junction channels new roles in disease.pdf.jpg1997-Gap junction channel: new roles in disease
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