Actividad Física y del Deporte: Artículos: Actividad Física y del Deporte : [81]  Estadísticas

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Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 20 de 81
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Parents and coaches´ opinion on the current and modified competition rules in.pdf.jpg10-sep-2024-Parents and coaches opinion on the current and modified competition rules in soccer for the promotion of value
2024 Sensor Variables cinemativas y modificacion de reglas en futbol.pdf.jpg11-abr-2024-Effect of rule modifications on kinematic parameters using maturity stage as a moderating variable in U-10
Scaling Equipment Effect on Technical–Tactical Actions in U-13.pdf.jpg6-mar-2024-Scaling equipment effect on technical–tactical actions in U-13 basketball players: a maturity study
EVOLUTION OF ATTACK EFFICACY AND EXECUTION IN WOMEN’S VOLLEYBALL ACCORDING TO AGE GROUP AND LEVEL OF COMPETITION.pdf.jpg1-mar-2024-Evolution of attack efficacy and execution in women's volleyball according to age group and level of competition
Effect of changes in the net height, court size, and serve limitations on technical-tactical, physical, and psychological aspects of U-14 female volleyball matches.pdf.jpg10-ene-2024-Effect of changes in the net height, court size, and serve limitations on technical-tactical, physical, and psychological aspects of U-14 female volleyball matches
Relación entre la ejecución del lanzamiento a canasta desde diferentes distancias y distintas pruebas de lanzamiento en jugadores masculinos de baloncesto sub-12.pdf.jpg29-dic-2023-Relationship between shooting technique at different distances and upper body strength ability in youth basketball players (under-12)
Influence of Two Different Competition Models on Physical.pdf.jpg8-nov-2023-Influence of two different competition models on physical performance in under-13 basketball players: analysis considering maturity timing
Robles-Palazón et al. (2023).pdf.jpg9-oct-2023-Force plate methodologies applied to injury profiling and rehabilitation in sport: a scoping review protocol
NIVELES DE SATISFACCIÓN Y PREFERENCIAS TÉCNICOTÁCTICAS EN JÓVENES JUGADORES DE FÚTBOL U-12.pdf.jpg2-sep-2023-Niveles de satisfacción y preferencias técnico-tácticas en jóvenes jugadores de fútbol U-12
548801-Tex..5.pdf.jpgsep-2023-Relationship of indicators of ability and experience of military sports skydiving with the psychological state and performance in competition of elite jumpers
2023 Int. Jour. of Sport Science and Coaching. Multivariate analysis of goalkeeper actions in youth football.pdf.jpg8-may-2023-Multivariate analysis of goalkeeper actions in youth football
2023 JSHR opinion Expertos reglamento BC.pdf.jpg2-may-2023-Opinión de los entrenadores y expertos sobre modificaciones reglamentarias en la categoría preinfantil (Under-13) en baloncesto.
2023 PSE self-efficacy by Under-10 tennis.pdf.jpg17-mar-2023-Perceived self-efficacy by Under-10 tennis players when scaling the equipment and play area
98612-Text..3.pdf.jpg24-feb-2023-Validation of quality, perceived value, future practice intention and satisfaction scale of activity charter focused on nautic business development
2023 CHILDREN  Revision sistemativa reglas de jugego Baloncesto.pdf.jpg8-feb-2023-Influence of rule manipulation on technical–tactical actions in young basketball players: a scoping review
sustainabi..2.pdf.jpg2-feb-2023-Levels of Sustainability Awareness in Spanish University Students of Nautical Activities as Future Managers of Sports and Active Tourism Programmes
Robles-Palazón et al. (2023).pdf.jpg2023-Predicting injury risk using machine learning in male youth soccer players
Motivated and without.pdf.jpg2023-Motivated and without Fear of Failure: The Strength of Basic Psychological Needs in Youth Spanish Athletes in Team Sports
journal.pone.0278572.pdf.jpg6-dic-2022-A cluster analysis of high-performance female team players’ perceived motivational climate: Implications on perceived motor competence and autonomous behaviour
Robles-Palazón et al. (2022). JSCR-Accepted version.pdf.jpgmay-2022-Effects of age and maturation on lower extremity range of motion in male youth soccer players
Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 20 de 81