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InorgChem2011-postprint.pdf.jpg25-may-2011-Synthesis, Isolation and Characterization of a Triiodo Organometallic Palladium(IV) Complex. Quantitative and Regioselective Synthesis of Two C–I Reductive Elimination Products
IC 16-5520.pdf.jpg6-jun-2016-C-H Activation in Primary 3-Phenylpropylamines: Synthesis of Seven-Membered Palladacycles through Orthometalation. Stoichiometric Preparation of Benzazepinones and Catalytic Synthesis of Ureas
Organometallics2008-postprint.pdf.jpg11-mar-2008-Synthesis of Bis-(2,6-dinitroaryl)palladium(II) and Mono-(2,6- dinitroaryl)platinum(II) Complexes. A New Example of the Transphobia Effect and of Transmetallation from Pt to Hg
IC-2015.pdf.jpg18-jun-20152015Assembly of Heterometallic Rigid-Rod Complexes and Coordination Oligomers from Gold(I) Metalloligands
OM 21-539.pdf.jpg-22-feb-2021Sequential Insertion of Alkynes, Alkenes, and CO into the Pd-C Bond of ortho-Palladated Primary Phenethylamines: from Allyl Complexes and Enlarged Palladacycles to Functionalized Arylalkylamines
GilRubio-Vicente-Rh-Ir-2017.pdf.jpg21-mar-20172017Perfluoroalkylation of Coordinated Ethene in Rh(I) and Ir(I) Complexes. Catalytic Addition of Iodoperfluoroalkanes to Ethene
GilRubio-Vicente_AuMetalloligands-2018.pdf.jpg13-oct-20172017The Coordination and Supramolecular Chemistry of Gold Metalloligands
OM 18-4648.pdf.jpg24-dic-2018-Palladium-Mediated Functionalization of Benzofuran and Benzothiophene Cores
OM 17-372.pdf.jpg23-ene-2017-Norbornadiene as a Building Block for the Synthesis of Linked Benzazocinones and Benzazocinium Salts through Tetranuclear Carbopalladated Intermediates.
JOMC 19-61.pdf.jpg30-ago-2019-Insertion Reactions of Isocyanides into the Metal-C(sp3) Bonds of Ylide Complexes