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Resultados 1-10 de 11.
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Vista previaFecha de publicaciónFecha de CreaciónTítulo
Experiences of Nursing Students.pdf.jpg30-jul-2020-Experiences of Nursing Students during the Abrupt Change from Face-to-Face to e-Learning Education during the First Month of Confinement Due to COVID-19 in Spain
2020 Experiences and Attitudes of People with HIVAIDS.pdf.jpg19-ene-2020-Experiences and attitudes of people with HIV/AIDS: a systematic review of qualitative studies
Questionnaire to Evaluate  (aceptada).pdf.jpg2020-Questionnaire to Evaluate the Competency in Evidence-Based Practice of Registered Nurses (EBP-COQ Prof©): Development and Psychometric Validation
2020  Patelarou et al. - - Providing a teaching and learning open and innovative toolkit for evidence-based practice to nursing European.pdf.jpg8-oct-2020-Providing a teaching and learning open and innovative toolkit for evidence-based practice to nursing European curriculum (EBP e-Toolkit): Project rationale and design
2020 frontiers.pdf.jpg12-jun-2020-Communication Skills and Professional Practice: Does It Increase Self-Efficacy in Nurses?
2020 trial rcp.pdf.jpg30-jul-2020-Relief alternatives during resuscitation: instructions to teach bystanders. A randomized control trial
3-ago-2020-Using the Knowledge-to-Action Framework to understand experiences of breastfeeding guideline implementation: A qualitative study
net polaco.pdf.jpg24-feb-2020-Validation study and setting norms of the evidence based practicecompetence questionnaire for nursing students: A cross-sectional study in Poland
2020 barreras bpso.pdf.jpg27-ago-2020-Barriers Perceived by Managers and Clinical Professionals Related to the Implementation of Clinical Practice Guidelines for Breastfeeding through the Best Practice Spotlight Organization Program
core.pdf.jpg9-sep-2020-Core evidence-based practice competencies and learning outcomes for European nurses: consensus statements.