Histology and histopathology: Vol.26, nº9 (2011) : [13]  Estadísticas

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Vista previaFecha de publicaciónFecha de CreaciónTítulo
Zhao-26-1111-1120-2011.pdf.jpg2011-Up-regulated expression of Ezrin and c-Met proteins are related to the metastasis and prognosis of gastric carcinomas
Shakibaei-26-1173-1185-2011.pdf.jpg2011-Anti-inflammatory and anti-catabolic effects of TENDOACTIVE® on human tenocytes in vitro
Redondo-26-1135-1144-2011.pdf.jpg2011-Ontogenesis of the omasum: a comparative analysis of the Merino sheep and Iberian red deer
Deron-26-1165-1172-2011.pdf.jpg2011-Expression and prognostic value of glucose transporters and hexokinases in tonsil and mobile tongue squamous cell carcinoma
Furusato-26-1145-1151-2011.pdf.jpg2011-Inflammatory cytokine and chemokine expression in sympathetic ophthalmia: a pilot study
Al-Awadhi-26-1153-1164-2011.pdf.jpg2011-Sequential alterations in gastric biopsies and tumor tissues support the multistep process of carcinogenesis
Jakab-26-1121-1126-2011.pdf.jpg2011-Expression of claudin-4 molecule in canine exocrine pancreatic acinar cell carcinomas
Lu-26-1127-1133-2011.pdf.jpg2011-Expression of a putative stem cell marker Musashi-1 in endometrium
Orlova-26-1219-1230-2011.pdf.jpg2011-Controlling angiogenesis by two unique TGF-β type I receptor signaling pathways
Brunelli-26-1207-1213-2011.pdf.jpg2011-Many facets of chromosome 3p cytogenetic findings in clear cell renal carcinoma: the need for agreement in assessment FISH analysis to avoid diagnostic errors
Perez-Bruzon-26-1187-1196-2011.pdf.jpg2011-Validation of an original incubator set-up for the exposure of human astrocyte cells to X-band microwaves in a GTEM-chamber
Yang-26-1197-1205-2011.pdf.jpg2011-Localisation and expression of aquaporin subtypes in epithelial ovarian tumours
Kuroda-26-1215-1218-2011.pdf.jpg2011-Review of acquired cystic disease-associated renal cell carcinoma with focus on pathobiological aspects
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