Histology and histopathology: Vol.20, nº 4 (2005) : [35]  Estadísticas

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Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 20 de 35
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónFecha de CreaciónTítulo
Hepatocyte growth factor scatter.pdf.jpg2005-Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor and prostate cancer: a review
Embryonic development of the bovine pineal gland Bos.pdf.jpg2005-Embryonic development of the bovine pineal gland (Bos taurus) during prenatal life (30 to 135 days of gestation)
The effect of the flavonoid diosmin.pdf.jpg2005-The effect of the flavonoid diosmin, grape seed extract and red wine on the pulmonary metastatic B16F10 melanoma
Ontogeny of the antigenreactive lymph follicleforming.pdf.jpg2005-Ontogeny of the antigen-reactive lymph follicle-forming capacity of the popliteal lymph node in neonatal mice
The expression of the epitope H recognized by the.pdf.jpg2005-The expression of the epitope H recognized by the monoclonal antibody H is higher in astrocytomas compared to anaplastic astrocytomas and glioblastomas
Usefulness of HPV testing in the.pdf.jpg2005-Usefulness of HPV testing in the follow-up of untreated cervical low grade lesions
The role of fetal breathinglike.pdf.jpg2005-The role of fetal breathing-like movements in lung organogenesis
Immunohistochemical study of.pdf.jpg2005-Immunohistochemical study of TAFII250 in the rat laryngeal nervous system
The role of the bone marrow.pdf.jpg2005-The role of the bone marrow microenvironment in multiple myeloma
Do mast cells affect villous architecture.pdf.jpg2005-Do mast cells affect villous architecture? Facts and conjectures
Increased immunohistochemical.pdf.jpg2005-Increased immunohistochemical expression of thrombomodulin at placental perivascular myofibroblast in severe preeclampsia (PE)
Effects of a nonselective Bblocker on.pdf.jpg2005-Effects of a non-selective ß-blocker on adult rat anterograde axonal transport and retinal ganglion layer after increased intraocular pressure
Comparative analysis of CD1a.pdf.jpg2005-Comparative analysis of CD1a, S-100, CD83, and CD11c human dendritic cells in normal, premalignant, and malignant tissues
Histological evaluation of brain damage caused.pdf.jpg2005-Histological evaluation of brain damage caused by crude quinolizidine alkaloid extracts from lupines
Immunohistochemical and microscopic.pdf.jpg2005-Immunohistochemical and microscopic studies on giant cells in tuberous sclerosis
Nestin expression in normal.pdf.jpg2005-Nestin expression in normal adrenal gland and adrenocortical tumors
Tailgut cyst associated with a carcinoid tumor.pdf.jpg2005-Tailgut cyst associated with a carcinoid tumor: case report and review of the literature
Human galectin2 expression profiling by.pdf.jpg2005-Human galectin-2: expression profiling by RT-PCR/immunohistochemistry and its introduction as a histochemical tool for ligand localization
Nutrition and hypothalamic.pdf.jpg2005-Nutrition and hypothalamic neuropeptides in sheep: Histochemical studies
Ultrastructural changes in rat livers perfused.pdf.jpg2005-Ultrastructural changes in rat livers perfused in vitro and in vivo with a high dose of methotrexate
Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 20 de 35