Histology and histopathology: Vol.19, nº 1 (2004) : [38]  Estadísticas

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Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 21 a 38 de 38
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Overexpression of iNOS and downregulation of BMPs2.pdf.jpg2004-Overexpression of iNOS and down-regulation of BMPs-2, 4 and 7 in retinoic acid induced cleft palate formation
Plasticity and regulation of human bone.pdf.jpg2004-Plasticity and regulation of human bone marrow stromal osteoprogenitor cells: potential implication in the treatment of age-related bone loss
Angiogenic factors and the endometrium.pdf.jpg2004-Angiogenic factors and the endometrium following long term progestin only contraception
The ARFp53 senescence.pdf.jpg2004-The ARF-p53 senescence pathway in mouse and human cells
Immunohistochemical study of the upper.pdf.jpg2004-Immunohistochemical study of the upper surface layer in rat mandibular condylar cartilage
Time of origin of the rat pineal gland cells..pdf.jpg2004-Time of origin of the rat pineal gland cells. A bromodeoxyuridine immunohistochemical study
Recent advances in osteoclast.pdf.jpg2004-Recent advances in osteoclast biology and pathological bone resorption
Structural patterns of swine ileal.pdf.jpg2004-Structural patterns of swine ileal mucosa following L-glutamine and nucleotide administration during the weaning period. An histochemical and histometrical study
Dendritic cells sentinels against pathogens.pdf.jpg2004-Dendritic cells, sentinels against pathogens
Skeletal muscle regeneration and.pdf.jpg2004-Skeletal muscle regeneration and Trypanosoma cruzi-induced myositis in rats
Lung histeresis a morphological view.pdf.jpg2004-Lung histeresis: a morphological view
Expression and significance of cell.pdf.jpg2004-Expression and significance of cell immunohistochemical markers (HHF-35, CD-31, Bcl-2, P-53 and apopDETEC®) in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
The effects of low laser irradiation.pdf.jpg2004-The effects of low laser irradiation on angiogenesis in injured rat tibiae
The retinal pigment epithelium of the teleost Notopterus.pdf.jpg2004-The retinal pigment epithelium of the teleost Notopterus notopterus (Pallas): Appearance of basal infoldings during prolonged dark-adaptation
Distributional map of the terminal and.pdf.jpg2004-Distributional map of the terminal and sub-terminal sugar residues of the glycoconjugates in the prepubertal and postpubertal testis of a subject affected by complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (Morris’s syndrome): lectin histochemical study
Apoptosis of thymocytes in.pdf.jpg2004-Apoptosis of thymocytes in experimental African Swine Fever virus infection
Neural stem cells and the quest for restorative neurology.pdf.jpg2004-Neural stem cells and the quest for restorative neurology
Therapyrelated changes of the bone marrow in chronic....pdf.jpg2004-Therapy-related changes of the bone marrow in chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis
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