Histology and histopathology: Vol. 8, nº 3 (1993) : [21]  Estadísticas

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lmmunocytochemical distribution of serotonin and neuropeptide Y NPY in mouse adrenal gland.pdf.jpg1993-lmmunocytochemical distribution of serotonin and neuropeptide Y, NPY in mouse adrenal gland
Spermatozoali ke cell invaders nuclear vlimata in human neoplasia.pdf.jpg1993-Spermatozoa-li ke cell invaders, nuclear vlimata, in human neoplasia
Light microscopic catalase histochemistry in mussel digestive gland tissue.pdf.jpg1993-Light microscopic catalase histochemistry in mussel digestive gland tissue
Histomorphometric analysis of the reticulum of the sheep during development.pdf.jpg1993-Histomorphometric analysis of the reticulum of the sheep during development
Ultrastructural alterations of the rat intestinal epithelium fed with polymeric oligopeptidic or.pdf.jpg1993-Ultrastructural alterations of the rat intestinal epithelium fed with polymeric, oligopeptidic or
The glomerular distribution of laminin and fibronectin in glomerulonephritis.pdf.jpg1993-The glomerular distribution of laminin and fibronectin in glomerulonephritis
Origin and differentiation of gut endocrine cells.pdf.jpg1993-Origin and differentiation of gut endocrine cells
Fusion mechanism of the myoblasts in the myotome of the chick embryo.pdf.jpg1993-Fusion mechanism of the myoblasts in the myotome of the chick embryo
Further histological observations on popliteal lymph nodes after interruption of the afferent lymphatic vessels.pdf.jpg1993-Further histological observations on popliteal lymph nodes after interruption of the afferent lymphatic vessels
Practical applications of some antibodies labelling the human retina.pdf.jpg1993-Practical applications of some antibodies labelling the human retina
Evaluation of volumeweighted mean nuclear volume in endometrial lesions.pdf.jpg1993-Evaluation of volume-weighted mean nuclear volume in endometrial lesions
Nuclear morphometry lacks prognostic value in squamous cell carcinoma of the oesophagus.pdf.jpg1993-Nuclear morphometry lacks prognostic value in squamous cell carcinoma of the oesophagus
Fibronectin expression in cancer tissues from patients undergoing radiation therapy.pdf.jpg1993-Fibronectin expression in cancer tissues from patients undergoing radiation therapy
Laminin matrix formation and S1 00 protein andlor desminpositive cells in malignant fibrous histiocytoma MFH.pdf.jpg1993-Laminin matrix formation and S-1 00 protein andlor desmin-positive cells in malignant fibrous histiocytoma MFH
Modifications of the distribution of substance Pli ke immunoreactivity in the cerebral basal nuclei of the cat after electroacupuncture.pdf.jpg1993-Modifications of the distribution of substance P-li ke immunoreactivity in the cerebral basal nuclei of the cat after electroacupuncture
Chemocytoarchitecture of the rat locus ceruleus.pdf.jpg1993-Chemocytoarchitecture of the rat locus ceruleus
The ileocaecal junction.pdf.jpg1993-The ileocaecal junction
A comparative immunohistochemical study of phaeochromocytornas and paragangliornas.pdf.jpg1993-A comparative immunohistochemical study of phaeochromocytornas and paragangliornas
Matrix changes during longterm cultivation of cartilage organoid or highdensity cultures.pdf.jpg1993-Matrix changes during long-term cultivation of cartilage, organoid or high-density cultures
Ultrastructural relations between nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons and cholinergic nerve endings in the human brain.pdf.jpg1993-Ultrastructural relations between nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons and cholinergic nerve endings in the human brain
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