Histology and histopathology: Vol. 5, nº 4 (1990) : [15]  Estadísticas

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The phylogenetic odyssey of the erythrocyte. II. The early or invertebrate prototypes.pdf.jpg1990-The phylogenetic odyssey of the erythrocyte. II. The early or invertebrate prototypes
Histogenetic evolution of bovine gastric compartments.pdf.jpg1990-Histogenetic evolution of bovine gastric compartments during the prenatal period
Sites of lymph follicle formation in the draining popliteal lymph nodes of mice locally injected with antigenic and mitogenic substances.pdf.jpg1990-Sites of lymph follicle formation in the draining popliteal lymph nodes of mice locally injected with antigenic and mitogenic substances
Spindle cell lesions of the urinary bladder.pdf.jpg1990-Spindle cell lesions of the urinary bladder
Effects of pinealectomy on the ultrastructure of the golden hamster parathyroid gland.pdf.jpg1990-Effects of pinealectomy on the ultrastructure of the golden hamster parathyroid gland
Results and histological development of various surgical techniques for correcting eversion of the third eyelid in dogs.pdf.jpg1990-Results and histological development of various surgical techniques for correcting eversion of the third eyelid in dogs
Is it coincidence that iron and melanin coexist in hepatic and other melanomacrophages.pdf.jpg1990-Is it coincidence that iron and melanin coexist in hepatic and other melanomacrophages?
1990-Mononuclear cell infiltrate, HLA-Dr expression and proliferation in 37 acoustic schwannomas
Heredopathia atactica polyneuritiformis Refsums disease.pdf.jpg1990-Heredopathia atactica polyneuritiformis (Refsum's disease)
Scanning electron microscopy of swine lymphoid organs.pdf.jpg1990-Scanning electron microscopy of swine lymphoid organs
Changes in the number and distribution of Langerhans cells in the hydantoin hyperplasic gingiva as compared with the clinically normal one.pdf.jpg1990-Changes in the number and distribution of Langerhans cells in the hydantoin hyperplasic gingiva as compared with the clinically normal one
A histological study of the Shionogi adenocarcinoma 115 grown in male and female mice.pdf.jpg1990-A histological study of the Shionogi adenocarcinoma 115 grown in male and female mice
Haemangioblastoma Histological and immunohistological study of an enigmatic cerebellar tumour.pdf.jpg1990-Haemangioblastoma, Histological and immunohistological study of an enigmatic cerebellar tumour
Fine observation on nerves colonizing the regenerating tail of the lizard Podarcis sicula.pdf.jpg1990-Fine observation on nerves colonizing the regenerating tail of the lizard Podarcis sicula
The histopathology of tissue lead retention.pdf.jpg1990-The histopathology of tissue lead retention
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