Buscar por Materia Pancreas

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Ultrastructure of pancreatic exocrine cells of the rat ....pdf.jpg1986-Ultrastructure of pancreatic exocrine cells of the rat during starvation.
Occurrence of pancreatic ductal cell dysplasia in rats fed with a high fat diet and ethanol.pdf.jpg1986-Occurrence of pancreatic ductal cell dysplasia in rats fed with a high fat diet and ethanol
Fatrich diet induces inflammatory changes in the intact rat pancreas.pdf.jpg1987-Fat-rich diet induces inflammatory changes in the intact rat pancreas
Distribution of serotoninimmunoreactive cells in the mouse pancreas during development.pdf.jpg1990-Distribution of serotonin-immunoreactive cells in the mouse pancreas during development
Cardiac and pancreatic lesions in guinea pigs infected with encephalomyocarditis. EMC virus.pdf.jpg1991-Cardiac and pancreatic lesions in guinea pigs infected with encephalomyocarditis. EMC, virus
Acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas. A histologic.pdf.jpg1994-Acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas. A histologic, immunocytochemical and ultrastructural study
Localization of NADPHdiaphorase activity.pdf.jpg1995-Localization of NADPH-diaphorase activity
lmmunohistochemical study on the distribution of galanincontaining nerves in the chicken pancreas.pdf.jpg1995-lmmunohistochemical study on the distribution of galanin-containing nerves in the chicken pancreas
Morphological and histochemical changes.pdf.jpg1995-Morphological and histochemical changes in the liver and pancreas of gilthead, Sparus auratus L., induced by acute action of the anionic detergent, sodium dodecyl sulphate
lmmunocytochemical study on the.pdf.jpg1997-lmmunocytochemical study on the innervation of the chicken pancreas by vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-containing nerves
Cytochemical study of the involvement of cell organelles in formation and accumulation of fibrill.pdf.jpg2001-Cytochemical study of the involvement of cell organelles in formation and accumulation of fibrillar amyloid in the pancreas of NORß transgenic mice
Distribution of DMT 1 within the human glandular system.pdf.jpg2003-Distribution of DMT 1 within the human glandular system
Transgenic mice overexpressing both amyloid.pdf.jpg2004-Transgenic mice overexpressing both amyloid ß-protein and perlecan in pancreatic acinar cells
The distribution and role of.pdf.jpg2004-The distribution and role of myofibroblasts and CD34-positive stromal cells in normal pancreas and various pancreatic lesions
Effects of triple treatment with.pdf.jpg2005-Effects of triple treatment with octreotide, galanin and serotonin on a human pancreas cancer cell line in xenografts
New aspects on the role of.pdf.jpg2005-New aspects on the role of lipoxygenases in cancer progression
Islet dynamics, A glimpse at beta cell proliferation.pdf.jpg2008-Islet dynamics, A glimpse at beta cell proliferation
Distinctive immunohistochemical profile of.pdf.jpg2009-Distinctive immunohistochemical profile of mucinous cystic neoplasms of pancreas, ovary and lung
Angiogenesis index CD105 EndoglinCD31 PECAM1 as a predictive factor for invasion and proliferation in intraductal ....pdf.jpg2010-Angiogenesis index CD105 (Endoglin)-CD31 (PECAM-1) as a predictive factor for invasion and proliferation in intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN) of the pancreas
Nakanuma-29-1-10-2014.pdf.jpg2014-Proposal of a new disease concept “biliary diseases with pancreatic counterparts”. Anatomical and pathological bases