Buscar por Materia Cell cycle

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Differential proliferation of rat aortic and mesenteric smooth muscle cells in culture.pdf.jpg1992-Differential proliferation of rat aortic and mesenteric smooth muscle cells in culture
In vitro modifications in the proliferation.pdf.jpg1995-In vitro modifications in the proliferation
The interchromatin granules.pdf.jpg1995-The interchromatin granules
The retinoblastoma gene family and its role in proliferation differentiation and development.pdf.jpg1996-The retinoblastoma gene family and its role in proliferation, differentiation and development
Interactions between EpsteinBar rvirus and the cell cycle control machinery.pdf.jpg1998-Interactions between Epstein-Bar rvirus and the cell cycle control machinery
Quantitative in situ hybridization for the evaluation of gene expression in asynchronous and synchronized cell cultures and in tissue sections.pdf.jpg1999-Quantitative in situ hybridization for the evaluation of gene expression in asynchronous and synchronized cell cultures and in tissue sections
Clinical applications of detecting dysfunctional p53 tumor suppressor protein.pdf.jpg1999-Clinical applications of detecting dysfunctional p53 tumor suppressor protein
Vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation in the pathogenesis of atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases.pdf.jpg2000-Vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation in the pathogenesis of atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases
Gain of function properties of mutant p53 proteins at the mitotic spindle cell cycle checkpoint.pdf.jpg2000-Gain of function properties of mutant p53 proteins at the mitotic spindle cell cycle checkpoint
lmmunohistochemical expression of p53 p2l wafl Rb p16 cyclin D1 p27 Ki67 cyclin A cyclin.pdf.jpg2001-lmmunohistochemical expression of p53, p21/waf1, Rb, p16, cyclin D1, p27, Ki67, cyclin A, cyclin B1, bcl2 bax and bak proteins and apoptotic index in normal thymus
The dynamics of cellular injury.pdf.jpg2001-The dynamics of cellular injury: transformation into neuronal and vascular protection
Sinusoidal 50 Hz magnetic fields do not affect structural morphology and proliferation of human cells in vitro.pdf.jpg2001-Sinusoidal 50 Hz magnetic fields do not affect structural morphology and proliferation of human cells in vitro
Control of the cell cycle by neurotrophins.pdf.jpg2002-Control of the cell cycle by neurotrophins: lessons from the p75 neurotrophin receptor
CD26 An expanding role in.pdf.jpg2002-CD26: An expanding role in immune regulation and cancer
Molecular pathology of head and neck cancer.pdf.jpg2002-Molecular pathology of head and neck cancer
Expression of cyclin D3 and cyclin E and.pdf.jpg2003-Expression of cyclin D3 and cyclin E and identification of distinct clusters of proliferation and apoptosis in diffuse large B-cell lymphomas
Expression and function of cell cycle proteins in rheumatoid arthritis synovial tissue.pdf.jpg2006-Expression and function of cell cycle proteins in rheumatoid arthritis synovial tissue
Cell cycle alterations and lung cancer.pdf.jpg2006-Cell cycle alterations and lung cancer
Taira-27-437-443-2012.pdf.jpg2012-Post-translational modifications of p53 tumor suppressor: determinants of its functional targets
Ebrahim-30-1271-1282-2015.pdf.jpg2015-MDM2 beyond cancer: podoptosis, development, inflammation, and tissue regeneration