Buscar por Autor Llinás Más, María Teresa

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book.png1997-Interacción entre angiotensina II, óxido nítrico y prostaglandinas en el control de la función renal / Tesis doctoral dirigida por Francisco Javier Salazar Aparicio.
book.png1999-Importancia de la ciclooxygenasa-2 en el control de la función renal / Francisca Rodríguez Mulero ; Directores: F. Javier Salazar Aparicio, María Teresa Llinás Más.
salazar-et-al-2019-sex-dependent-differences-in-the-adverse-renal-changes-induced-by-an-early-in-life-exposure-to-a.pdf.jpg1-feb-2019-Sex-dependent differences in the adverse renal changes induced by an early in life exposure to a high-fat diet.
PLAC-S-19-00107R3.pdf.jpg21-nov-2019-Trophoblast-induced spiral artery remodelling and uteroplacental haemodynamics in pregnant rats with increased blood pressure induced by heme oxygenase inhibition.
CAPÍTULO 32_ Regulación humoral de la función renal.pdf.jpg2020-Capítulo 32. Regulación humoral de la función renal
Uterine hemodynamic and pregnancy.pdf.jpgene-2020-Trophoblast induced spiral remodelling and uteroplacental haemodynamics in hypertensive pregnant rats with reduced heme oxygenase activity.
Hemodynamic and obesity in pregnancy.pdf.jpgjun-2020-Cardiac, renal and uterine hemodynamics changes throughout pregnancy in rats with a prolonged high fat diet from an early age.
Moreno JM et al JPB (revision 2).pdf.jpgago-2021-Gender differences in the renal changes induced by a prolonged high-fat diet in rats altered renal developmet
reverte-et-al-2022-sglt2-inhibition-potentiates-the-cardiovascular-renal-and-metabolic-effects-of-sgc-stimulation-in (1).pdf.jpg1-feb-2022-SGLT2 inhibition potentiates the cardiovascular, renal, and metabolic effects of sGC stimulation in hypertensive rats with prolonged exposure to high-fat diet
Tesis LIDIA OLTRA.pdf.jpg7-jun-20223-jun-2022Adaptaciones hemodinámicas a la gestación en ratas con hipertensión inducida por alteración de la nefrogénesis : efectos de una ingesta crónica de grasa
fphar-14-1166123.pdf.jpg22-jun-2023-Pravastatin reduces plasma levels of extracellular vesicles in pregnancies at high risk of term preeclampsia