Buscar por Autor Facultades, Departamentos, Servicios y Escuelas::Departamentos de la UMU::Anatomía Humana y Psicobiología

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Popovic et al., J. Psychopharmacology 2014.pdf.jpg27-nov-2013-The flavonoid apigenin delays forgetting of passive avoidance conditioning in rats
BSAF-D-16-00256_R1.pdf.jpg25-oct-2016-Expression Patterns of Irx Genes in the Developing Chick Inner Ear
Popovic et al., Front. Pharmacol. 2017.pdf.jpg10-ene-2017-Verapamil parameter- and dose-dependently impairs memory consolidation in open field habituation task in rats
Giménez de Béjar et al., Front. Pharmacol. 2017.pdf.jpg23-ago-2017-Verapamil blocks scopolamine enhancement effect on memory consolidation in passive avoidance task in rats
Heritability of Sleep quality_Sleep_2018.pdf.jpg20182018Heritability of sleep quality in a middle-aged twin sample from Spain
Autonomic reactivity in blood-injection-injury and snake phobia_PDF.pdf.jpgdic-20182017Autonomic reactivity in blood-injection-injury and snake phobia
Morales-Delgado et al., Front. Behav. Neurosci 2018.pdf.jpg6-dic-2018-Time-of-day and age impact on memory in elevated plus-maze test in rats
Manuscript PNBP'19 para DIGITUM.pdf.jpg29-ene-2019-Modulation of stress- and cocaine prime-induced reinstatement of conditioned place preference after memory extinction through dopamine D3 receptor
The influence of sex and gender domains.pdf.jpg2020-The influence of sex and gender domains on COVID-19 cases and mortality
Popovic et al., Front. Pharmacol. 2020.pdf.jpg5-may-2020-Verapamil and alzheimer’s disease: past, present, and future
Meseguer Henarejos et al., Front. Behav. Neurosci. 2020.pdf.jpg25-may-2020-Sex and time-of-day impact on anxiety and passive avoidance memory strategies in mice
Relación entre la calidad de sueño y el Índice de masa corporal.pdf.jpg26-may-2020jun-2016Comunicaciones Orales.-Relación entre la calidad de sueño y el Índice de masa corporal
Relación entre calidad de vida y edad, sexo, nivel de estudios, ....pdf.jpg26-may-2020jun-2016Comunicaciones Orales.-Relación entre calidad de vida y edad, sexo, nivel de estudios, consumo de psicofármacos antidepresivos y tranquilizantes
Habituation training protocol improves exercise performance in a ....pdf.jpg26-may-2020jun-2016Comunicaciones Orales.-Habituation training protocol improves exercise performance in a forced running wheel system in rats
Poveda et al., Behav. Processes 2020.pdf.jpg30-jun-2020-The diurnal variation of open-field habituation in rats
García-Guillen et al-2020.pdf.jpg20-oct-20202020Netrin-1/DCC signaling differentially regulates the migration of Pax7, Nkx6.1, Irx2, Otp and Otx2 cell populations in the developing interpeduncular nucleus
García-Guillén et al 2021.pdf.jpg16-feb-20212021Multiple regionalized genes and their putative Networks in the interpeduncular nucleus suggest complex mechanisms of neuron development and axon guidance
18-mar-2021-Distinct Regulation of Dopamine D3 Receptor in the Basolateral Amygdala and Dentate Gyrus during the Reinstatement of Cocaine CPP Induced by Drug Priming and Social Stress
Van Groen et al., Front. Neuroanatomy 2021.pdf.jpg29-abr-2021-Widespread doublecortin expression in the cerebral cortex of the octodon degus
Perez-Sanchez J et al., Comput Methods Programs Biomed 2021.pdf.jpgsep-2021-Intracranial pressure analysis software: a mapping study and proposal