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Do age and time of practice predict the development of life skills among.pdf.jpg2021-Do age and time of practice predict the development of life skills among youth futsal practitioners?
4 Asparkia.pdf.jpg1996-Do Amaral, Modotti, Izquierdo y Kahlo: cuatro artistas en América
art_2n22_vol1.pdf.jpg2019-Do auditors mitigate earnings manageme nt during economic crisis?
Do children want skinny friends.pdf.jpg2011-Do children want skinny friends? The role of "weight? in children's friendship preferences and inter-group attitudes
Do chondrocytes undergo activation and transdifferentiation....pdf.jpg2006-Do chondrocytes undergo "activation" and "transdifferentiation" during the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis? A review of the ultrastructural and immunohistochemical evidence
Do Corpo à Transcendência pela proximidade do Outropdf.pdf.jpg2010-Do corpo à transcendência pela proximidade do outro entre Pedro Laín Entralgo e Emmanuel Lévinas
García-Fernández et al 2020 - Sentencias Venenos Medio Natural.pdf.jpg12-jul-2020ene-2020Do court sentences reflect the reality of wildlife poisoning in the natural environment? The Spanish case.
Recession_Inequality.pdf.jpg2019-Do economic recessions cause inequality to rise?
2017-Do English Language Teaching materials offer the vocabulary that students need? A content-based analysis of three textbooks
332531-Article Text-1313581-2-10-20190802.pdf.jpg2019-Do healthy preterm children have behavior problems?
1981.pdf.jpg2003-Do indexing and abstracting have a future?
09.pdf.jpg20162016Do industrial companies respond to the guiding principles of the Integrated Reporting framework? A preliminary study on the first companies joined to the initiative
12_Influyen las firmas de auditoria.pdf.jpg2023-Do Industry Specialist Audit Firms Influence Real Earnings Management? The Role of Auditor Independence
BRQ Do investors React to Corporate Governance News  An Empirical Analysis for the Spanish Market.pdf.jpg6-jun-2015-Do investors react to corporate governance news? An empirical analysis for the Spanish market
Do mast cells affect villous architecture.pdf.jpg2005-Do mast cells affect villous architecture? Facts and conjectures
Pazos-26-581-588-2011.pdf.jpg2011-Do neural tube defects lead to structural alterations in the human bladder?
322031-1099291-1-SM.pdf.jpg2018-Do novice and experienced rowers adopt diferent pacing strategies and do their physiological and metabolic responses show optimisation?
368441-Texto del artículo (sin datos identificativos de los autores)-1236951-1-10-20190313.pdf.jpg20112011Do progressive governments undertake different debt burdens? Partisan vs. electoral cycles
T1_P5.pdf.jpg2013-Do protected areas represent species’ optimal climatic conditions? A test using Iberian water beetles
254581-883501-1-SM.pdf.jpg2016-Do psychological factors play a crucial role in sport performance? – Research on personality and psychological variables of athletes in Hungary