Buscar por Autor Sabater Molina, María

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ARTICLULO POLIAMINAS-2007.pdf.jpg22-sep-2006-Biological significance of dietary polyamines
FOS.pdf.jpg22-ene-2009-Effects of dietary polyamines at physiologic doses in early-weaned piglets
SabaterMolina.pdf.jpg6-abr-200911-mar-2008Efectos de la poliaminas y los fructooligosacáridos de la dieta sobre la maduración intestinal en cerdos destetados precozmente
Int J Clinical Practice - 2009 - Saura - Left atrial remodelling in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy relation with exercise.pdf.jpg14-sep-2009-Left atrial remodelling in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: relation with exercise capacity and biochemical markers of tissue strain and remodelling.
RECaceptado2009-2010.pdf.jpg17-sep-2009-Characteristics of sudden death in inherited heart disease
RECaceptado2009-2010.pdf.jpg23-nov-2010-Insights into genotype-phenotype correlation in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Findings from 18 Spanish families with a single mutation in MYBPC3
IJCA13686.pdf.jpg25-jun-2011-Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy or storage cardiomyopathy? Role of genetics to predict outcome
RevEspCar2013BARTH.pdf.jpgene-2013-Barth syndrome in adulthood: a clinical case.
BJN 2013.pdf.jpg3-ene-2013-Polyamines in human breast milk for preterm and term infants
Luxan_2013_NOCTH-LVNC.pdf.jpg13-ene-2013-Mutations in the NOTCH pathway regulator MIB1 cause left ventricular noncompaction cardiomyopathy
S0300893216304237 (2017).pdf.jpg28-oct-2016-A Novel Founder Mutation in MYBPC3: Phenotypic Comparison With the Most Prevalent MYBPC3 Mutation in Spain.
JPH2cge_12825_web.pdf.jpgnov-2016-Mutation in JPH2 cause dilated cardiomyopathy
Sabater-Molina_et_al-2017-Clinical_Genetics HCM review.pdf.jpg21-mar-2017-Genetics of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: A review of current state.
INMA REVESPCARD.pdf.jpg3-nov-2017-Factors Influencing the Phenotypic Expression of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy in Genetic Carriers
TESIS IVAN PDF CD.pdf.jpg5-feb-201822-sep-2017Estudio de la patogenicidad de las variantes genéticas desmosómicas en las miocardiopatías y la muerte súbita
JACC2457.full (1).pdf.jpg13-nov-2018-Formin Homology 2 Domain Containing 3 (FHOD3) Is a Genetic Basis for Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH ROUDHI.pdf.jpg14-jun-2021-The EP300/TP53 pathway, a suppressor of the Hippo and canonical WNT pathways, is activated in human hearts with arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy in the absence of overt heart failure
Tesis Doctoral - Julio Alberto Díaz Muñoz.pdf.jpg14-jul-202111-jun-2021Estudio de biomarcadores predictores de miocardiopatías en pacientes genotipados
Gzquezetal..M.pdf.jpg25-oct-2022-Milk fat globule membrane plus milk fat increase docosahexaenoicacid availability in infant formulas
Tesis Doctoral - Juan José Santos Mateo.pdf.jpg4-nov-202228-oct-2022Estudio del impacto de la actividad deportiva en la presentación clínica y los eventos en las miocardiopatías idiopáticas