Histology and histopathology: Vol. 4, nº 1 (1989) : [13]  Estadísticas

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Study of h- TSH immunoreactive adenohypophyseal cells following treatment  with methymazole.pdf.jpg18-ene-2011-Study of h-TSH immunoreactive adenohypophyseal cells following treatment with methymazole
Ultrastructural immunogold labelling of vimentin filaments on postembedding ultrathin sections of arachnoid villi and meningiomas.pdf.jpg1989-Ultrastrucmturaiml munogold labelling of vimentin filaments on postembedding ultrathin sections of arachnoid villi and meningiomas
Microscopic correlates of adaptive cytoprotection in an ethanol injury model.pdf.jpg1989-Microscopic correlates of adaptive cytoprotection in an ethanol injury model
Hyperplastic cellular components of a hemangiopericytoma. An ultrastructural study.pdf.jpg1989-Hyperplastic cellular components of a hemangiopericytoma. An ultrastructural study
Rabbit pasteurellosis, Respiratory and renal pathology of control and immunized rabbits after challenge with Pasteurella multocida.pdf.jpg1989-Rabbit pasteurellosis: Respiratory and renal pathology of control and immunized rabbits after challenge with Pasteurella multocida
The effects of cyclophosphamide on the prolactin cells of the normal rat.pdf.jpg1989-The effects of cyclophosphamide on the prolactin cells of the normal rat
Alveolar bone of BB-W rats, A morphometric and histochemical study.pdf.jpg1989-Alveolar bone of BBMl rats: a morphometric and histochemical study
Endogenous sex hormone and estrogen binding activity in thyroid cancer.pdf.jpg1989-Endogenous sex hormone and estrogen binding activity in thyroid cancer
Morphological, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural changes in dimenthylnitrosamine induce liver injury.Effect of malotilate.pdf.jpg1989-Morphological, immunohistochemical and ultrastrucmturaclh anges in dimenthylnimtrosamine induced liver injury. Effect of malotilate
Development of the retinal tapetum lucidum of the walleye (Stizostedion vitreum vitreum).pdf.jpg1989-Development of the retinal tapetum lucidum of the walleye (Stizostedion vitreum vitreum)
The distribution and ontogeny of gastrin- CCk-, somatostatin- and neurotensin- immunoreactive cells in the gastrointestinal tract of the chicken.pdf.jpg1989-The distribution and ontogeny of gastrin/CCK-, somatostatin- and neurotensin-immunoreactive cells in the gastrointestinal tract of the chicken
Effects of 4-aminopyrazolo (3,4-d) pyrimidine on rat hepatocytes, an ultrastructural morphometric study.pdf.jpg1989-Effects of 4-aminopyrazolo (3,4-d) pyrimidine on rat hepatocytes: an ultrastructural morphometric study
Ultrastructural localization of Cu, Zn-SOD in hepatocytes of patients with various liver diseases.pdf.jpg1989-Ultrastructural localization of Cu, Zn-SOD in hepatocytes of patients with various liver diseases
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