Histology and histopathology: Vol. 1, nº 4 (1986) : [13]  Estadísticas

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Diazoreaction positive substance observed in the cortex of Chattonella antiqua.pdf.jpg1986-Diazo-reaction positive substance observed in the cortex of Chattonella antiqua
Growth hormone and prolactin immunoreactivity in the pituitary gland of postnatal little lit mice.pdf.jpg1986-Growth hormone and prolactin immunoreactivity in the pituitary gland of postnatal little (lit) mice
The association of medial collagenous tissue with atheroma formation in the aging human aorta as revealed by a special technique.pdf.jpg1986-The association of medial collagenous tissue with atheroma formation in the aging human aorta as revealed by a special technique
Duodenal microanatomy of the domestic cat. Felis catus.pdf.jpg1986-Duodenal microanatomy of the domestic cat. (Felis catus)
Effects of Friend leukemia virus FLV inoculation in F1 mice and differentiation of FLVinduced leukemia.pdf.jpg1986-Effects of Friend leukemia virus (FLV) inoculation in F1 mice and differentiation of FLV-induced leukemia
Blastic OKT6positive proliferation preceding malignant histiocytosis.pdf.jpg1986-Blastic OKT6-positive proliferation preceding malignant histiocytosis
Function of the follicular dendritic cell in the germinal center of lymphoid follicles.pdf.jpg1986-Function of the follicular dendritic cell in the germinal center of lymphoid follicles
Dying and regeneration of human tumor cells after heterotransplantation to athymic mice.pdf.jpg1986-Dying and regeneration of human tumor cells after heterotransplantation to athymic mice
The thoracic sympathetic neurons of the chick normal development and the effects of nerve growth factor.pdf.jpg1986-The thoracic sympathetic neurons of the chick, normal development and the effects of nerve growth factor
Ultrastructural changes in pancreatic acinar cells of rats after administration of 4hydroxyaminoquinolinel oxide.pdf.jpg1986-Ultrastructural changes in pancreatic acinar cells of rats after administration of 4-hydroxyaminoquinoline-l -oxide
Grading of the prostate carcinoma cytohistological correlations on 100 cases.pdf.jpg1986-Grading of the prostate carcinoma, cyto-histological correlations on 100 cases
Occurrence of pancreatic ductal cell dysplasia in rats fed with a high fat diet and ethanol.pdf.jpg1986-Occurrence of pancreatic ductal cell dysplasia in rats fed with a high fat diet and ethanol
Metaplasia of the parietal layer of Bowmans capsule. A histopathological survey of the human kidney.pdf.jpg1986-Metaplasia of the parietal layer of Bowman's capsule. A histopathological survey of the human kidney
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