Histology and histopathology: Vol.29, nº 7 (2014) : [12]  Estadísticas

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Guil-Luna-29-949-955-2014.pdf.jpg2014-The antiprogestins mifepristone and onapristone reduce cell proliferation in the canine mammary carcinoma cell line CMT-U27
Covenas-29-881-890-2014.pdf.jpg2014-Cancer progression and substance P
Hejmej-29-815-830-2014.pdf.jpg2014-A role of junction-mediated interactions in cells of the male reproductive tract: Impact of prenatal, neonatal, and prepubertal exposure to anti-androgens on adult reproduction
Perdisa-29-805-814-20014.pdf.jpg2014-Platelet rich plasma: a valid augmentation for cartilage scaffolds? a systematic review
Ito-29-871-879-2014.pdf.jpg2014-Roles of Rho small GTPases in the tangentially migrating neurons
Yanni-29-891-902-2014.pdf.jpg2014-Structural and functional alterations in the atrioventricular node and atrioventricular ring tissue in ischaemia-induced heart failure
Carriel-29-957-964-2014.pdf.jpg2014-Histological and immunohistochemical study of an unusual type of gallbladder duplication
Andergassen-29-913-923-2014.pdf.jpg2014-Detection and characterisation of disseminated tumour cells in bone marrow of breast cancer patients by immunostaining of Her-2 and MUC-1 in combination with Thomsen-Friedenreich (CD176)
Diaz-Flores-29-831-870-2014_compressed.pdf.jpg2014-CD34+ stromal cells/fibroblasts/fibrocytes/telocytes as a tissue reserve and a principal source of mesenchymal cells. Location, morphology, function and role in pathology
Machado-29-903-912-2014.pdf.jpg2014-A GFP endometriosis model reveals important morphological characteristics of the angiogenic process that govern benign and malignant diseases
Gerber-29-935-948-2014.pdf.jpg2014-Loss of connexin43 (Cx43) in Sertoli cells leads to spatio-temporal alterations in occludin expression
Martinez-Calleja-29-925-933-2014.pdf.jpg2014-Osteopontin expression and localization of Ca2+ deposits in early stages of osteoarthritis in a rat model
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