Histology and histopathology: Vol.28, nº11 (2013) : [12]  Estadísticas

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Vranic-28-1393-1409-2013.pdf.jpg2013-Apocrine carcinoma of the breast: A comprehensive review
Kojima-28-1383-1392-2013.pdf.jpg2013-Expression of tricellulin in epithelial cells and non-epithelial cells
Sasaki-28-1499-1505-2013.pdf.jpg2013-Serum amyloid A-positive hepatocellular neoplasms in the resected livers from 3 patients with alcoholic cirrhosis
Kim-28-1461-1471-2013.pdf.jpg2013-Clinicopathologic characteristics of STAT1 positive/interleukin-8 negative subgroup in triple negative breast cancer defined by surrogate immunohistochemistry
Becerril-28-1411-1425-2013.pdf.jpg2013-Role of PRDM16 in the activation of brown fat programming. Relevance to the development of obesity
Portal-Nunez-28-1473-1481-2013.pdf.jpg2013-The vertebrae of prematurely aging mice as a skeletal model of involutional osteoporosis
Lin-28-1491-1498-2013.pdf.jpg2013-Lower expression of ER-α36 is associated with the development of endometrial hyperplasia in PCOS patients
Campos-28-1439-1450-2013.pdf.jpg2013-Simultaneous phenotypic and genetic characterization of single circulating tumor cells from colon cancer patients
Martinez-Garcia-28-1507-1516-2013.pdf.jpg2013-Differential expression and localization of transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 in rabbit and human eyes
Ho-28-1427-1438-2013.pdf.jpg2013-Signaling molecules and pathways involved in MSC tumor tropism
Zhong-28-1517-1527-2013.pdf.jpg2013-Distribution of zinc and zinc transporters in the mouse ovarian follicles and corpus luteum
Kim-28-1483-1490-2013.pdf.jpg2013-Differential expression of Yes-associated protein and phosphorylated Yes-associated protein is correlated with expression of Ki-67 and phospho-ERK in colorectal adenocarcinoma
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