Histology and histopathology: Vol.27, nº 2 (2012) : [14]  Estadísticas

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Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 14 de 14
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónFecha de CreaciónTítulo
Romero-Camarero-27-157-170-2012.pdf.jpg2012-New models towards assessing anti-cancer therapeutics
Park-27-197-207-2012.pdf.jpg2012-High MET copy number and MET overexpression: Poor outcome in non-small cell lung cancer patients
Gutierrez-27-187-196-2012.pdf.jpg2012-Local identification of porcine haptoglobin in salivary gland and diaphragmatic muscle tissues
McCoy-27-181-185-2012.pdf.jpg2012-The incidence and clinical significance of lymph node micrometastases determined by immunohistochemical staining in stage I - lymph node negative endometrial cancer
Hong-27-171-179-2012.pdf.jpg2012-Ascorbic acid deficiency accelerates aging of hepatic stellate cells with up-regulation of PPARγ
Zhou-27-249-256-2012.pdf.jpg2012-Less gelatinases is associated with apolipoprotein E accumulation in glomerulosclerosis rats
Xu-27-225-234-2012.pdf.jpg2012-Synchronous and metachronous multiple gastrointestinal stromal tumors
Yang-27-217-224-2012.pdf.jpg2012-PCDH17 gene promoter demethylation and cell cycle arrest by genistein in gastric cancer
Brodowska-27-241-248-2012.pdf.jpg2012-Analysis of pituitary gonadotropin concentration in blood serum and immunolocalization and immunoexpression of follicle stimulating hormone and luteinising hormone receptors in ovaries of postmenopausal women
Ioachim-27-209-216-2012.pdf.jpg2012-Thrombospondin-1 expression in breast cancer: prognostic significance and association with p53 alterations, tumour angiogenesis and extracellular matrix components
Jang-27-235-240-2012.pdf.jpg2012-Histological features and immune cell changes in skin lesions of engraftment syndrome of children undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
Vered-27-141-150-2012.pdf.jpg2012-E-cadherin in oral SCC: An analysis of the confusing literature and new insights related to its immunohistochemical expression
Kuroda-27-133-140-2012.pdf.jpg2012-Review of renal carcinoma associated with Xp11.2 translocations/TFE3 gene fusions with focus on pathobiological aspect
Garcia-27-151-156-2012.pdf.jpg2012-Notch: A key regulator of tumor angiogenesis and metastasis
Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 14 de 14