Histology and histopathology: Vol.27, nº 1 (2012) : [14]  Estadísticas

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OBrien-27-13-22-2012.pdf.jpg2012-Advances in pediatric rhabdomyosarcoma characterization and disease model development
Oliveira-27-23-29-2012.pdf.jpg2012-Stem cells: Are they the answer to the puzzling etiology of endometriosis?
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Wu-27-79-87-2012.pdf.jpg2012-Cathepsin B may be a potential biomarker in cervical cancer
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Olloquequi-27-39-47-2012.pdf.jpg2012-Lung CD57+ cell density is increased in very severe COPD
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Veit-27-123-132-2012.pdf.jpg2012-Age-related changes in myosin-V myenteric neurons, CGRP and VIP immunoreactivity in the ileum of rats supplemented with ascorbic acid
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