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Resultados 21-30 de 71.
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Vista previaFecha de publicaciónFecha de CreaciónTítulo
Declaración concurso tras RDL 3-2009.pdf.jpg2010-Algunas reflexiones sobre la declaración de concurso tras el RD-Ley 3/2009
J cell biochem 2010.pdf.jpg1-jun-2010-Mechanism of Dihydrofolate Reductase Downregulation in Melanoma by 3-O-(3,4,5-Trimethoxybenzoyl)-(-)-Epicatechin
paperjbi2009.pdf.jpgjun-2010-An approach for the semantic interoperability of ISO EN 13606 and OpenEHR archetypes
OM-2010-4320.pdf.jpg13-sep-20102010Eight-membered Palladacycles Derived from the Insertion of Olefines into the Pd–C Bond of Ortho-palladated Pharmaceuticals Phenethylamine and Phentermine. Synthesis of Stable Heck-type Intermediates Containing Accessible β-Hydrogens and its Use in the Synthesis of 2-Styryl-phenethylamines, Tetrahydroisoquinolines and Eight-membered Cyclic Amidines
AQUA_629209 Uncorrected Proofs.pdf.jpg2010-Feeding time synchronises daily rhythms of behaviour and digestive physiology in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata)
Estimulación ósea mediante hueso colagenizado porcino y melatonina relacionado con implantes dentales de superfice rugosa. Estudio experimental en perros beagle.pdf.jpgjul-2010-Estimulación ósea mediante hueso colagenizado porcino y melatonina relacionado con implantes dentales de superfice rugoso: estudio experimental en perros beagle
CBI proofs.pdf.jpg2010-Feeding entrainment of food-anticipatory activity and per1 expression in the brain and liver of zebrafish under different lighting and feeding conditions
Nitrogen transformation.pdf.jpg23-jul-2010-Nitrogen transformation in two subsurface infiltration systems at pilot scale
PIIS0021925819761201.pdf.jpg25-oct-2010-Fission Yeast Receptor of Activated C Kinase (RACK1) Ortholog Cpc2 Regulates Mitotic Commitment through Wee1 Kinase
The european eel.pdf.jpg24-dic-2010-The European eel —the swim bladder– nematode system provides a new view of the invasion paradox