Histology and histopathology: Vol.26, nº8 (2011) : [13]  Estadísticas

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Vista previaFecha de publicaciónFecha de CreaciónTítulo
Poon-26-953-963-2011.pdf.jpg2011-Distribution of Kiaa0319-like immunoreactivity in the adult mouse brain - a novel protein encoded by the putative dyslexia susceptibility gene KIAA0319-like
Loh-26-965-978-2011.pdf.jpg2011-Molecular and morphological characterization of neural tube defects in embryos of diabetic Swiss Albino mice
Morikawa-26-979-995-2011.pdf.jpg2011-Phenotypic changes and possible angiogenic roles of pericytes during wound healing in the mouse skin
Holfelder-26-1007-1017-2011.pdf.jpg2011-De novo expression of the hemoglobin scavenger receptor CD163 by activated microglia is not associated with hemorrhages in human brain lesions
Belge-26-1029-1037-2011.pdf.jpg2011-Upregulation of the high mobility group AT-hook 2 gene in acute aortic dissection is potentially associated with endothelial-mesenchymal transition
Defrere-26-1083-1092-2011.pdf.jpg2011-Insights into iron and nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) involvement in chronic inflammatory processes in peritoneal endometriosis
Virant-Klun-26-1071-1082-2011.pdf.jpg2011-Ovarian pluripotent/multipotent stem cells and in vitro oogenesis in mammals
Atari-26-1057-1070-2011.pdf.jpg2011-Isolation of pluripotent stem cells from human third molar dental pulp
Xia-26-1039-1047-2011.pdf.jpg2011-Parafibromin expression in lung normal tissue and carcinoma: its comparison with clinicopathological parameters of carcinoma
Zorn-26-1049-1056-2011.pdf.jpg2011-Maternal diabetes affects cell proliferation in developing rat placenta
Quilichini-26-1019-1028-2011.pdf.jpg2011-Sperm ultrastructure of Helicometra epinepheli (Platyhelminthes, Digenea, Opecoelidae), parasite of Epinephelus fasciatus (Pisces, Teleostei)
Kuales-26-997-1006-2011.pdf.jpg2011-Myeloid CD11c+ S100+ dendritic cells express indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase at the inflammatory border to invasive lower lip squamous cell carcinoma
Filippis-26-1093-1109-2011.pdf.jpg2011-Neural stem cell-mediated therapy for rare brain diseases: perspectives in the near future for LSDs and MNDs
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