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dc.contributor.authorFernández-Rufete Navarro, Ana-
dc.description.abstractThrough collating of the views of primary school teachers who teach the area of Spanish language and literature, this research seeks to deal with the opinions of teachers andmethodological approaches used in the teaching of writing. We establish a high concern to makespelling a priority and recognise a widespread failure in the results obtained by the students; the willingness of teachers to implement new educational proposals for teaching of writing and calls for a reflection on didactic approaches is clear. In this descriptive investigation, the questionnaire is the instrument used to collect data from teachers. The sample is established by a total of 140 teachers from 25 schools. After collecting the data, these data were analyse to get a general view of the situation of the learning of the spelling from the point of view of primary school teachers who teach the area of Spanish language and literature in Almería and province. Forteaching, writing is basic necessity in all knowledges of primary and it is one of the quality indicators in our educational system as a basic element for the control of the written language.The teaching of spelling through activities involving written composition appears to be critical for teachers who claim agreed alternatives should be included in the planning in all knowledges of primary. In turn, there is the necessity of the schools are on the same page and agree lesson plans which are going to make consubstantial and hard-wearing changes on approaches and methods to be applied in the teaching of spelling and including all areas of knowledgees
dc.publisherAsociación Española de Comprensión Lectoraes
dc.titleEnseñanza de la ortografía, tratamiento didáctico y consideraciones de los docentes de Educación Primaria de la provincia de Almeríaes
Aparece en las colecciones:Nº 4, (2015)

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