Histology and histopathology: Vol.25, nº8 (2010) : [12]  Estadísticas

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Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 12 de 12
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónFecha de CreaciónTítulo
New advances on critical implications of tumor and.pdf.jpg2010-New advances on critical implications of tumorand metastasis-initiating cells in cancer progression, treatment resistance and disease recurrence
Sudan Black B treatment reduces autofluorescence.pdf.jpg2010-Sudan Black B treatment reduces autofluorescence and improves resolution of in situ hybridization specific fluorescent signals of brain sections
The role of focal adhesion Kinase in early development.pdf.jpg2010-The role of focal adhesion Kinase in early development
Liver fibrosis a dynamic and potentially reversible process.pdf.jpg2010-Liver fibrosis: a dynamic and potentially reversible process
Pcadherin Vimentin and CK14 for identification of basallike phenotype in breast carcinomas an immunohistochemical study.pdf.jpg2010-P-cadherin, Vimentin and CK14 for identification of basal-like phenotype in breast carcinomas: an immunohistochemical study
An update on the pathobiological relevance of nuclear receptors for cancers of the head and neck.pdf.jpg2010-An update on the pathobiological relevance of nuclear receptors for cancers of the head and neck
Immunohistochemical study of macrophage and cytokine dynamics in the gut of scrapieinfected mice.pdf.jpg2010-Immunohistochemical study of macrophage and cytokine dynamics in the gut of scrapie-infected mice
Neurotrophin4 dependency of intraepithelial vagal sensory nerve terminals that selectively contact pulmonary NEBs in mice.pdf.jpg2010-Neurotrophin-4 dependency of intraepithelial vagal sensory nerve terminals that selectively contact pulmonary NEBs in mice
CD34positive myxoid sarcoma of the retroperitoneum a dilemma in differential diagnosis of multiple biopsy specimens.pdf.jpg2010-CD34-positive myxoid sarcoma of the retroperitoneum; a dilemma in differential diagnosis of multiple biopsy specimens
Involvement of endogenous prostaglandin E2 in tubular epithelial regeneration ....pdf.jpg2010-Involvement of endogenous prostaglandin E2 in tubular epithelial regeneration through inhibition of apoptosis and epithelial-mesenchymal transition in cisplatin-induced rat renal lesions
The kinetics and distribution of different macrophage populations in the developing rat skin.pdf.jpg2010-The kinetics and distribution of different macrophage populations in the developing rat skin
Immunohistochemical analysis of steroid receptors in ovaries of postmenopausal women  effects of aging and hormone status.pdf.jpg2010-Immunohistochemical analysis of steroid receptors in ovaries of postmenopausal women - effects of aging and hormone status
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