Histology and histopathology: Vol.24, nº5 (2009) : [13]  Estadísticas

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Lysyl oxidases in mammalian development and certain pathological conditions.pdf.jpg2009-Lysyl oxidases in mammalian development and certain pathological conditions
Diabetes enhances the expression of Hras and suppresses the expression.pdf.jpg2009-Diabetes enhances the expression of H-ras and suppresses the expression of EGFR leading to increased cell proliferation
Skeletal muscle fibre plasticity in response to selected environmental and physiological stimuli.pdf.jpg2009-Skeletal muscle fibre plasticity in response to selected environmental and physiological stimuli
Induction system of neural and muscle lineage cells from bone marrow stromal cells a new strategy.pdf.jpg2009-Induction system of neural and muscle lineage cells from bone marrow stromal cells; a new strategy for tissue reconstruction in degenerative diseases
Metallic gold treatment reduces proliferation of inflammatory cells.pdf.jpg2009-Metallic gold treatment reduces proliferation of inflammatory cells, increases expression of VEGF and FGF, and stimulates cell proliferation in the subventricular zone following experimental traumatic brain injury
Cardiac ischemia and reperfusion in spontaneously diabetic rats with and without application.pdf.jpg2009-Cardiac ischemia and reperfusion in spontaneously diabetic rats with and without application of EGb 761: II. Interstitium and microvasculature
Cytochemical and biochemical evidences for a complex tridimensional structure of the hamster zona pellucida.pdf.jpg2009-Cytochemical and biochemical evidences for a complex tridimensional structure of the hamster zona pellucida
cKIT signaling as the driving oncogenic event in subgroups of melanomas.pdf.jpg2009-c-KIT signaling as the driving oncogenic event in sub-groups of melanomas
Comparison of histopathological features of Vibrio cholerae O1 El Tor and.pdf.jpg2009-Comparison of histopathological features of Vibrio cholerae O1 El Tor and O139 Bengal infections in rabbit intestinal mucosa
Golgi apparatus localization of ZNT7 in the mouse cerebellum.pdf.jpg2009-Golgi apparatus localization of ZNT7 in the mouse cerebellum
Modified gleason grading. An updated review.pdf.jpg2009-Modified gleason grading. An updated review
Ultrastructure of myotendinous junctions in tendon-skeletal muscle constructs engineered in vitro.pdf.jpg2009-Ultrastructure of myotendinous junctions in tendon-skeletal muscle constructs engineered in vitro
The role of vascular adhesion molecules.....pdf.jpg2009-The role of vascular adhesion molecules PECAM-1 (CD 31), VCAM-1 (CD 106), E-Selectin (CD62E) and P-Selectin (CD62P) in severe porcine pancreatitis
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