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dc.contributor.authorHonda, Jun-yaes
dc.contributor.authorKobayashi, Leyoshies
dc.contributor.authorKiyoshima, Tamotsu-
dc.contributor.authorYamaza, Haruyoshi-
dc.contributor.authorXie, Ming-
dc.contributor.authorTakahashi, Keiko-
dc.contributor.authorEnoki, Norio-
dc.contributor.authorNagata, Kengo-
dc.contributor.authorNakashima, Akihiko-
dc.contributor.authorSakai, Hidetaka-
dc.description.abstractThis study examined detailed in situ expression patterns and possible functional roles of phosphoglycerate kinase 1 (Pgk1) gene in the developing tooth germ of the mouse lower first molar. The strong expression of Pgk1 mRNA was seen in the odontogenic epithelial cells and surrounding mesenchymal cells of the tooth germ from embryonic day 10.5 (E10.5) to E18.0. Western blotting analysis demonstrated that Pgk1 protein formed 84-kDa protein complex in these embryonic organs. The results of immunoprecipitation-western blotting also suggested this complex to be formed with glyceraldehyde-3- phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH). Moreover, the immunofluorescence expression of those proteins was shown to overlap each other in the tooth germ at E15.0. A strong immunofluorescence expression of both Pgk1 and GAPDH also corresponded to the in situ expression of those mRNAs. These results suggested that Pgk1 plays some functional roles in the development of tooth germ and other embryonic organs by forming protein complex with GAPDH.es
dc.publisherMurcia : F. Hernándezes
dc.relation.ispartofHistology and histopathologyes
dc.subjectTooth germes
dc.subject.other616.3 - Patología del aparato digestivo. Odontologíaes
dc.titleGlycolytic enzyme Pgk1 is strongly expressed in the developing tooth germ of the mouse lower first molares
Aparece en las colecciones:Vol.23, nº4 (2008)

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