Histology and histopathology: Vol.23, nº2 (2008) : [13]  Estadísticas

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Dvorankova-23-167-178-2008.pdf.jpg2008-Human galectin-2: nuclear presence in vitro and its modulation by quiescence/stress factors
Therapeutic perspectives for the treatment of Huntington s disease, Treating the whole body.pdf.jpg2008-Therapeutic perspectives for the treatment of Huntington s disease, Treating the whole body
Thymidine phoshorylase expression in breast cancer, the prognostic significance and its association with other angiogenesis.pdf.jpg2008-Thymidine phoshorylase expression in breast cancer, the prognostic significance and its association with other angiogenesis
Effects of hypothyroidism on anti-mullerian hormone expression in the prepubertal rat testis.pdf.jpg2008-Effects of hypothyroidism on anti-mullerian hormone expression in the prepubertal rat testis
The urokinase-system - role of cell proliferation and apoptosis.pdf.jpg2008-The urokinase-system - role of cell proliferation and apoptosis
Analysis of Epstein-Barr virus strains and variants in classical Hodgkin s lymphoma by laser microdissection.pdf.jpg2008-Analysis of Epstein-Barr virus strains and variants in classical Hodgkin s lymphoma by laser microdissection
Immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization observations favor a local catecholamine production in the human Achilles tendon.pdf.jpg2008-Immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization observations favor a local catecholamine production in the human Achilles tendon
Human postmenopausal ovary - hormonally inactive fibrous connective tissue or more.pdf.jpg2008-Human postmenopausal ovary - hormonally inactive fibrous connective tissue or more
Pathomechanism of entrapment neuropathy in diabetic and nondiabetic rats reared in wire cages.pdf.jpg2008-Pathomechanism of entrapment neuropathy in diabetic and nondiabetic rats reared in wire cages
Medial and adventitial macrophages are associated with expansive atherosclerotic remodeling in rabbit femoral artery.pdf.jpg2008-Medial and adventitial macrophages are associated with expansive atherosclerotic remodeling in rabbit femoral artery
Down-regulation of lysyl oxydase-like in aging and venous insufficiency.pdf.jpg2008-Down-regulation of lysyl oxydase-like in aging and venous insufficiency
Immunohistochemical localization of renin, NO synthase-1, and cyclooxygenase-2 in rodent kidney.pdf.jpg2008-Immunohistochemical localization of renin, NO synthase-1, and cyclooxygenase-2 in rodent kidney
Histochemical demonstration of aluminum and iron deposition in pulmonary bony tissues in three cases of diffuse pulmonary ossification.pdf.jpg2008-Histochemical demonstration of aluminum and iron deposition in pulmonary bony tissues in three cases of diffuse pulmonary ossification
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