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dc.contributor.authorMartínez Soriano, F.es
dc.contributor.authorArmañanzas, E.es
dc.contributor.authorRuíz Torner, A.-
dc.contributor.authorValverde-Navarro, A.A.-
dc.description.abstractMorphological and physiological studies suggest a possible division of the pineal parenchyma into an external or “cortical” and another central or “medullar” layer. We have studied the possible influence of the light/dark, seasonal and lunar cycles on the nuclear size of the pinealocytes of the rat in both the hypothetical “cortical” and “medullar” layers. Forty male Wistar rats were used. Experiment was carried out in two seasons, winter and spring, two lunar phases, full moon and new moon, and the two circadian phases, photophase and scotophase. The nuclear volume of the pinealocytes, calculated from the Jacobj’s formula, was the karyometric parameter used as measurement of the nuclear size. Main results showed that nuclear volume of the cortical pinealocytes was greater than that of the medullar pinealocytes only during the photophases of winter new-moon days and spring full moon days, whereas in all the remaining situations, the greater nuclear sizes were found in the pinealocytes of the medullar layer. These results support the existence of independent morphological variations of the pinealocyte in the central and peripheral zones of the pineal gland.es
dc.publisherMurcia : F. Hernándezes
dc.relation.ispartofHistology and histopathologyes
dc.subjectPineal glandes
dc.subjectSeasonal periodses
dc.subject.otherCDU::6 - Ciencias aplicadas::61 - Medicinaes
dc.titleInfluence of light-dark, seasonal and lunar cycles on the nuclear size of the pinealocytes of the rates
Aparece en las colecciones:Vol.17, nº 1 (2002)

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