Histology and histopathology: Vol.17, nº 1 (2002) : [34]  Estadísticas

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Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 20 de 34
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Proliferation and differentiation of ductular progenitor cells and littoral cells during.pdf.jpg2002-Proliferation and differentiation of ductular progenitor cells and littoral cells during the regeneration of the rat liver to CCl4/2-AAF injury
Characterization of organotypic keratinocyte cultures on deepithelialized bovine tongue mucosa.pdf.jpg2002-Characterization of organotypic keratinocyte cultures on de-epithelialized bovine tongue mucosa
Alzheimer Bamyloid peptides normal and abnormal localization.pdf.jpg2002-Alzheimer ß-amyloid peptides normal and abnormal localization
Immunodetection and clinicopathological correlates of two tumour growth regulators in laryngeal carcinoma.pdf.jpg2002-Immunodetection and clinico-pathological correlates of two tumour growth regulators in laryngeal carcinoma
The Ca2binding S100A2 protein is differentially expressed in epithelial tissue of glandular or squamous origin.pdf.jpg2002-The Ca2+-binding S100A2 protein is differentially expressed in epithelial tissue of glandular or squamous origin
Enhanced expression of endothelin1 and endothelinconverting.pdf.jpg2002-Enhanced expression of endothelin-1 and endothelinconverting enzyme-1 in acute hypoxic rat aorta
Morphological changes in the mink area postrema during growth.pdf.jpg2002-Morphological changes in the mink area postrema during growth and under different stages of sexual activity
Immunohistochemical study of human pterygium.pdf.jpg2002-Immunohistochemical study of human pterygium
Histological study of timing and embryology of notochordal abnormalities.pdf.jpg2002-Histological study of timing and embryology of notochordal abnormalities in rat exposed in utero to Doxorubicin
Dietary mistletoe lectin supplementation and.pdf.jpg2002-Dietary mistletoe lectin supplementation and reduced growth of a murine non-Hodgkin lymphoma
The glycoconjugate sugar residues of the sessile and motile.pdf.jpg2002-IIThe glycoconjugate sugar residues of the sessile and motile cells in the thymus of normal and Cyclosporin-A-treated rats: lectin histochemistry
Gelatinases and their inhibitors in tumor metastasis.pdf.jpg2002-Gelatinases and their inhibitors in tumor metastasis: from biological research to medical applications
Expression of Ecadherincatenin complex in human benign schwannomas.pdf.jpg2002-Expression of E-cadherin-catenin complex in human benign schwannomas
Ultrastructural abnormalities of muscle spindles in the rat masseter muscle with malocclusioninduced damage.pdf.jpg2002-Ultrastructural abnormalities of muscle spindles in the rat masseter muscle with malocclusion-induced damage
Expression of parathyroid hormonerelated protein PTHrP in parathyroid tissue under normal and pathological conditions.pdf.jpg2002-Expression of parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) in parathyroid tissue under normal and pathological conditions
Effects of chronic administration of either.pdf.jpg2002-Effects of chronic administration of either ethanol or pentanol on rat duodenum morphology
Sex and straindependent histological features of the.pdf.jpg2002-Sex- and strain-dependent histological features of the proximal convoluted tubular epithelium of mouse kidney: association with lysosomes containing apolipoprotein B
Fine reconstruction of the pancreatic ductular system at the onset of pancreatitis.pdf.jpg2002-Fine reconstruction of the pancreatic ductular system at the onset of pancreatitis
Identification of dendritic cells in aortic atherosclerotic lesions in rats with dietinduced hypercholesterolaemia.pdf.jpg2002-Identification of dendritic cells in aortic atherosclerotic lesions in rats with diet-induced hypercholesterolaemia
Tyrosine hydroxylase in mouse pancreatic islet cells.pdf.jpg2002-Tyrosine hydroxylase in mouse pancreatic islet cells, in situ and after syngeneic transplantation to kidney
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