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dc.contributor.authorJohnson, R. B.-
dc.contributor.authorCarlson, E. C.-
dc.description.abstractThe present study reported histochemical changes in alveolar bone glycosaminoglycans (GAG) (using Safranin 0 ) and in interdental bone height in three groups of BB/W rats: diabetic, diabetes prone, and diabetes resistant. Safranin O staining intensity suggested that total GAG levels were highest in diabetic bone (p<0.05 compared to diabetes resistant, p<0.005 compared to diabetes prone) but not significantly different between diabetes prone and resistant groups. Following chondroitinase AC and ABC digestion, staining reactions suggested that the highest levels of dermatan sulfate were in the diabetes resistant group (p<0.001 compared to diabetic, p<0.001 compared to diabetes prone) and the highest levels of chondroitin sulfates were in the diabetes prone group (p<0.001). Coincidently the mean height of diabetes prone interdental septum was significantly less than that of diabetes resistant or diabetic groups (p<0.05). The study suggested that 1) diabetes and «prediabetes» produce significant changes in levels of chondroitin 4, 6, and dermatan sulfates within alveolar bone, 2) in «prediabetic» animals, interdental bone loss occurs prior to the onset of clinical symptoms and in the absence of local irritating factors, the bone height appears to return to normal levels, and 3) there may be a correlation between alveolar bone height and relative levels of dermatan sulfate.es
dc.publisherMurcia : F. Hernándezes
dc.relation.ispartofHistology and histopathologyes
dc.subjectAlveolar bonees
dc.subject.otherCDU::6 - Ciencias aplicadas::61 - Medicinaes
dc.titleAlveolar bone of BBMl rats: a morphometric and histochemical studyes
Aparece en las colecciones:Vol. 4, nº 1 (1989)

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