Histology and histopathology: Vol.19, nº 4 (2004) : [33]  Estadísticas

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Ítems de la colección (ordenados por Fecha Publicación en orden Descendente): 1 a 20 de 33
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Upregulation of fibronectin but not.pdf.jpg2004-Upregulation of fibronectin but not of entactin, collagen IV and smooth muscle actin by anaphylatoxin C5a in rat hepatic stellate cells
Effects of the tyrosine kinase inhibitor.pdf.jpg2004-Effects of the tyrosine kinase inhibitor Imatinib mesylate (STI571) on bone marrow features in patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia
Differential location and structural specificities of sialic.pdf.jpg2004-Differential location and structural specificities of sialic acid-ß-D-Gal sequences belonging to sialoderivatives of rabbit oviduct under hormonal treatment
Interstitital cells of Cajal in the human stomach.pdf.jpg2004-Interstitital cells of Cajal in the human stomach: distribution and relationship with enteric innervation
Innervation of the proximal urethra of.pdf.jpg2004-Innervation of the proximal urethra of ovariectomized and estrogen-treated female rats
Morphological changes in the rat.pdf.jpg2004-Morphological changes in the rat carotid body 1, 2, 4, and 8 weeks after the termination of chronically hypocapnic hypoxia
In vitro and in vivo characterization of neural stem cells.pdf.jpg2004-In vitro and in vivo characterization of neural stem cells
Pcadherin expression predicts clinical.pdf.jpg2004-P-cadherin expression predicts clinical outcome in oral squamous cell carcinomas
Helicobacter pylori H. pylori.pdf.jpg2004-Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) molecular signature in conjunctival mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma
Tolllike receptor 4 in normal and inflamed.pdf.jpg2004-Toll-like receptor 4 in normal and inflamed lungs and other organs of pig, dog and cattle
Stromal cells and extracellular matrix.pdf.jpg2004-Stromal cells and extracellular matrix components in spontaneous canine transmissible venereal tumour at different stages of growth
Effect of melatonin on the cardiotoxicity of doxorubicin.pdf.jpg2004-Effect of melatonin on the cardiotoxicity of doxorubicin
Effect of unilateral nephrectomy.pdf.jpg2004-Effect of unilateral nephrectomy on renal function of diabetic rats
Expression and potential role of.pdf.jpg2004-Expression and potential role of phospholipase D1 in cryoinjured cerebral cortex of rats
Fine structure of spermatozoa.pdf.jpg2004-Fine structure of spermatozoa in the common pandora (Pagellus erythrinus Linnaeus, 1758) (Perciformes, Sparidae)
Glycomic profiling of developmental.pdf.jpg2004-Glycomic profiling of developmental changes in bovine testis by lectin histochemistry and further analysis of the most prominent alteration on the level of the glycoproteome by lectin blotting and lectin affinity chromatography
Interaction between osteoblast.pdf.jpg2004-Interaction between osteoblast and osteoclast: impact in bone disease
Mechanisms of human skin cell motility.pdf.jpg2004-Mechanisms of human skin cell motility
Darkcell areas in the dog vestibular.pdf.jpg2004-Dark-cell areas in the dog vestibular endorgans: an immunohistochemical study
CD26 dipeptidyl peptidase IV and its role in cancer.pdf.jpg2004-CD26 dipeptidyl peptidase IV and its role in cancer
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