Histology and histopathology: Vol.18, nº 4 (2003) : [31]  Estadísticas

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Vista previaFecha de publicaciónFecha de CreaciónTítulo
3p21 5q21 9p21 and 17p13 allelic deletions.pdf.jpg2003-3p21, 5q21, 9p21 and 17p13 allelic deletions accumulate in the dysplastic spectrum of laryngeal carcinogenesis and precede malignant transformation
Progranulin Granulinepithelin.pdf.jpg2003-Progranulin (Granulin-epithelin precursor, PC-cell derived growth factor, Acrogranin) in proliferation and tumorigenesis
Immunohistochemical evaluation of versican in relation.pdf.jpg2003-Immunohistochemical evaluation of versican, in relation to chondroitin sulphate, in canine mammary tumours
Ontogenic attendance of.pdf.jpg2003-Ontogenic attendance of neuropeptides in the embryo chicken retina
In vitro effects of hormones and.pdf.jpg2003-In vitro effects of hormones and autacoids on the activity of acid phosphatase in the lysates of endotoxin-activated rat peritoneal and bronchoalveolar macrophages
Tissue remodelling in liver diseases.pdf.jpg2003-Tissue remodelling in liver diseases
Hyperthermia triggers apoptosis and affects.pdf.jpg2003-Hyperthermia triggers apoptosis and affects cell adhesiveness in human neuroblastoma cells
Coexpression of trypsin and tumourassociated.pdf.jpg2003-Co-expression of trypsin and tumour-associated trypsin inhibitor (TATI) in colorectal adenocarcinomas
Developing follicles of the spotted.pdf.jpg2003-Developing follicles of the spotted ray Torpedo marmorata express different glycoside residues in relation to granulosa differentiation and vitelline envelope formation
High mobility group protein HMGA1 expression in breast.pdf.jpg2003-High mobility group protein HMGA1 expression in breast cancer reveals a positive correlation with tumour grade
20032003a-synuclein: between synaptic function and dysfunction
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